Dr. Knif^lit was elected third pres-
ident of tiie association and in 1880
founded the "Archives of Laryngology,"
a ni a g a z i n e devoted to the study
of diseases of the upper air passages.
The editorial staff was composed of
four of the leading laryngologists of the
time, namely, Louis Elsberg, J. Solis-
Cohen, George M. Leflferts and Frederick
Knight. Terminated at the end of four
years, it remains to-day the most elegant
and best edited periodical on laryngology
that has ever appeared. Under such
management as controlled it and with
the vastly increased number of specialists
in the field there is no doubt that to-day
it would be an acknowledged success.
Dr. Knight was a pioneer in the move- ment against tuberculosis. Fifteen years ago he became deeply interested in the subject and devoted much time and energy to it.
He was a member of the Amercan Academy of Arts and Sciences, ex-presi- dent of the American Laryngological Association and of the American Climat- ological Association and a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society.
His writings included:
"Paralysis of the Velum Palati in Acute Naso-pharyngitis," 1887.
"Congenital Bony Occlusion of the Posterior Xares," 1887.
"Intubation for Stenosis of the Larynx in a Boy of Twelve," 1892.
" Torticollis Following Removal of Adenoids of the Rhino-pharynx," 1894.
" Three Cases of Laryngeal Neoplasm," 1894.
" The Sequelse of Syphilis and Their Treatment; Nasal Sequelse," 1896.
"Three Cases of Obscure Laryngeal Disease; Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Epithe- lioma," 1897.
D. B. D.
Abridged from a memorial sketch by Dr. D. Brj-son Delavan, N. York, 1909 (por- trait).
Knight, James 1810-1887).
James Knight was chiefly interested in orthopedic surgery and, struck by the cry-
ing need for an orthopedic hospital in
New York, generously gave up his
private house for that purpose, and
when the society built a suitable place it
was placed under his charge.
He was l)orn in Tanoy Town, Frederick County, Maryland, on February 14, 1810, son of Samuel Knight, a manufacturer of military arms, whose people came from England in 1766.
After seven years at the Baltimore Gen- eral Dispensary, in 1835 he finally settled and remained in New York, where he be- came known as a skillful and tender or- thopedist. His two volumes, " On the Improvement of the Health of Children and Adults by Natural Means" (1868) and " Orthopedia, or a Practical Treat- ise on the Alterations of the Human Form" (1874) were well received.
He was member of the Medico-Chi- rurgical Society of Maryland, the County Medical Society of New York, and fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine.
He died in October, 1887.
D. \\'. stone's Biog. of Eminent Phys. and Surg.
Knight, Jonathan (1789-1864).
Jonathan Ivnight was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, September 4, 1789, the son and grandson of physicians. At the age of fifteen, he entered Yale College, gradu- ating four years later, in 1808, and then had charge of an academy at Norwich, Connecticut, for two years. At the expi- ration of this time he was appointed a tutor at Yale. While there the estab- lishment of a medical department was discussed, and Prof. Benjamin Silliman, then professor of chemistry in the college, suggested Knight for the chair of phy- siology and anatomy. To better equip himself for this position, he spent the winters of 1811 and 1812 in Philadelphia, so that in 1813 he was ready to do the work. This position he held until 1838, when, on the death of Dr. Thomas Hubbard, he was transferred to the chair of surgery, which he held until shortly before his death, thus occupying a pro- fessorship in the Yale Medical School for