den, ſo that you ſee but little of it: the Nature of the Female is like that of the Four-footed Animals; ſhe has two Breaſts with Teats like a Cow's; ſome white, others ſtain'd with black or blue Spots. In their Spawning-time their Breaſts are larger than uſual; and when they couple together, they reach their Head above Water, for to fetch Breath, and to cool the Heat contracted by that Action. Has but two Spawns at a Time.'Tis ſaid, that they never bring forth more than two young ones at a Spawning, which they ſuck with their Teats. The Spawn of the Whale, while it is freſh, is clammy, and gluiſh, ſo that it may be drawn out in Threads like Wax or Pitch: it has no Relation to that which we call Sperma Ceti; for it is soon corrupted, and by no Art can be preſerved,
Their Size and Bigness.Theſe Sea-Animals, or rather Monſters, are of different Sizes and Bulks; ſome yield a 100, and ſome 200 or 300 Tuns of Fat or Blubber. The Fat lies between the Skin and the Fleſh, fix or eight Inches thick, eſpecially upon the Back and under thePage:A description of Greenland.djvu/105