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of Greenland.

the Shore. His Fat is tougher and harder than that of the great Bay-Whale; neither are his Barders or Bones ſo long and valuable, for which Reaſon he is neglected.

The Sword-Fiſh.The fourth sort is the Sword-Fiſh, ſo called from a long and broad Bone, which grows out of the End of his Snout on both Sides, indented like a Saw. He has got two Fins upon his Back, and four under the Belly, on each Side two; thoſe on the Back are the largeſt; thoſe under the Belly are placed juſt under the firſt of the Back. His Tail is broad and flat underneath, and above pointed, but not ſplit or cloven. From the hindermoſt Fin of the Back he grows ſmaller. His Noſtrils are of an oblong Shape: the Eyes are placed on the Top of his Head, juſt above his Mouth. There are different Sizes of Sword-Fiſhes; ſome of 20 Foot, ſome more ſome less. The greateſt Enemy of the Whale.This is the greateſt Enemy the true Whale has to deal with, who gives him fierce Battels; and, having vanquiſhed and killed him, he contents himſelf with eating the Tongue of the
