Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/113

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of Greenland.
round, turned, with a ſharp taper Point; the greateſt Length of it is 14 or 15 Foot, and thick as your Arm. The Root of it goes very deep into the Head, to ſtrengthen it for the ſupporting of ſo heavy a Burthen. The Horn is of a fine white and compact Matter, wherefore it weighs much. The third Part of it, beginning from the Root, is commonly hollow; and there are ſome very ſolid at the Root, and above it grows more and more hollow. Has a little ſhort Horn formed within the Skull.On the right Side of the Head there lies another ſhorter Horn hidden, which does not grow out of the Skin, and it cannot be conceived for what End the All-wiſe Creator has ordained it. He has, like other Whales, two Pipes or Spouts, which terminate in one, through which he breathes and fetches Air, when he comes up out of the Sea with his Head. Here I muſt obſerve to you, that when the Whale comes up to fetch Air, 'tis not Water he throws out at the Spouts, as the common Notion runs; but his Breath, which reſembles Water forced out of a great Spout. As for the reſt of the Uni-
