Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/118

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The Natural Hiſtory

met with in all Seas. His Head reſembles that of a Butts-Head-Whale. His Mouth is armed with ſharp Teeth. He has Spouts or Pipes like a Whale. He has a Fin upon the middle of his Back, which towards the Tail is bended like a Half-Moon. Under the Belly there are two Side Fins, overgrown with Fleſh and covered with a black Skin. His Tail is broad like that of a Whale. He has ſmall round Eyes, his Skin is of a ſhining black, and the Belly white. His Length is five to eight Foot, at moſt. His Length is five to eight Foot, at moſt. His Fat makes fine Oil, and the Fleſh is by the Greenlander reckoned a grat Dainty.

Of other Sea Animals.

Morſes or Sea Horſes.The Sea Horſe or Morſe has the Shape of a Seal, though much larger and ſtronger. He has five Claws on each of his Feet, as the Seal. His Head rounder and larger. His Skin is an Inch thick, eſpecially about the Neck, very rough, rugged and wrinkled, covered with a ſhort, brown, and ſometimes reddiſh, or Mouſe-coloured Hair. Has two long Teeth or Tuſks.Out of his upper Jaw there grow two large Teeth
