Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/125

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of Greenland.

Time as long. It had a long pointed Snout, and ſpouted like Whale-Fiſh; great broad Paws, and the Body ſeemed covered with Shell-Work, its Skin very rugged and uneven. The under Part of its Body was ſhaped like an enormous huge Serpent, and when it dived again under Water, it pluged backwards into the Sea, and ſo raiſed its Tail aloft, which ſeemed a whole Ship's Length diſtant from the bulkieſt Part of the Body.

Of other Fiſhes.

Of Fiſhes properly ſo called, the Greenland Sea has abundance and of great Diverſity, of which the largeſt is called Hay,The Fiſh called Hay. whoſe Fleſh is much like that of the Holy-Butt, and is cured in the ſame Manner; being cut into long Slices, and hung up to be dried in the Sun and in the Air, as they cure them in the Northern Parts of Norway; but the Greenlanders do not much


    again, they take him along with them in their Boats, and before they let him go, they ſet him a Taſk to inform them of all they want to know, upon which they diſmiſs him.