different Sizes. The Greenlanders ſay they are well taſted.
Teſtaceous Fiſhes.Among the teſtaceous Animals in Greenland the chief are the Muſcles, of which there are great Quantities; they are large and delicate. In ſome Waters I have found of thoſe larger Sorts, in which the Norwegians find Pearls. Theſe have alſo Pearls, but very ſmall ones, not biger than the Head of a Pin. I ſhall ſay nothing of the other Sea Inſects, as Crabs, Shrimps, &c. though they be not rare here; yet Lobſters, Crawfiſh and Oiſters I never met with. According to Information had of Greenlanders, on the Southern Coaſts they ſometimes catch Tortoiſes in their Nets;Tortoiſes. for they tell you, that they are covered with a thick Shell, have Claws and a ſhort Tail; and moreover that they find Eggs in them, like Birds Eggs.
Of Greenland Sea Birds.