Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/142

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The Natural Hiſtory
Their Manner of taking Seals.They go much the ſame Way to work in killing of Seals, except that the Harpoon is leſſer, to which is faſtened a Line of Seal-Skin ſix or ſeven Fathom long, at the End of which is a Bladder or Bag made of a ſmall Seal-Skin filled with Air, to keep the Seal, when he is wounded, from diving under the Water, and being loſt again. In the Northern Parts, where the Sea is frozen over in the Winter, Another Manner.they uſe other Means in catching of Seals. They firſt look out for Holes, which the Seals themſelves make with their Claws about the Bigneſs of a Halfpeny, that they may fetch their Breath; after they have found any Hole, they ſeat themſelves near it upon a Chair, made for this Purpoſe; and as ſoon as they perceive the Seal coming up to the Hole and put his Snout into it for ſome Air, they immediately ſtrike him with a ſmall Harpoon, which they have ready in their Hand, to which Harpoon is faſtened a Strap a Fathom long, which they hold with the other Hand. After he is ſtruck, and cannot eſcape, they cut the Hole
