Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/146

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The Natural Hiſtory

And where they are left in Holes, they take them with an Inſtrument made for this Purpoſe, viz. a Perch headed with two ſharp hooked Bones, or with one or two Iron Hooks.

The Rogn or Roe-Fiſh.The Rogn-Fiſh, or Row-Fiſh, ſo named from the great Quantity or Roe that's found in it, as he is commonly found in ſhallow Water and upon the Sands, ſo he is catched like the Salmon with the aforementioned Inſtrument. There is ſuch abundance of theſe Fiſhes, that, as they cannot conſume them all being freſh, they are obliged to dry them on the Rocks, and keep them for Winter Proviſion. When Roe-Fiſh catching is over, which happens in the Month of May, then the Greenlanders retire into the Bays and Creeks, where the Lods or Stint-Fiſhing then takes Place.Lod or Stint-Fiſhing. There are ſuch numberleſs Shoals of them near the Shore, that they catch them in a Kind of Sieves faſtened upon long Poles, and throw them upon the Shore; they open and dry them upon the Rocks, keeping them for
