ment; no fine Arts and Sciences, or the like; but only a Number of mean, wretched, and ignorant Gentiles, who live and improve the Land according to their low Capacity. I muſt own that Greenland, in its preſent State and Condition, compared with other Countries, is but very mean and poor, though not yet ſo deſpicable and wretched, but it may, uſing Care and Induſtry, not only richly maintain its own Inhabitants, but alſo communicate to others out of the Remainder of its Products. As for the Land in itſelf, it yields little or nothing, not being manured or cultivated, but lies altogether waſte and untilled; nevertheleſs the Ancient Hiſtories and Accounts, yet extant, of the Land, make it appear, that it is not unfit for ſeveral Products; and therefore I don't queſtion, but it might retrieve the Loſs of its former Plenty and Fruitfulneſs, ſhouls it come to be
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