Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/154

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The Natural Hiſtory

Countries, it is in the Main but thinkly inhabited. In the inner Parts of the Country no body lives, but only at certain Times, in the Summer Seaſon, when they go a Rain-Deer Hunting. The Reaſon of this is, that (as has been ſaid above) the whole upland Country is perpetually covered with Ice and Snow.

Their Winter Manſions.As to their Houſes or dwelling Places, they have one for the Winter-Seaſon, and another for the Summer. Their Winter Habitation is a low Hut built with Stone and Turf, two or three Yards high, with a flat Roof. Windows made of the Guts of Seals.In this Hut the Windows are on one Side, made of the Bowels of Seals, dreſſed and ſewed together; or of the Maws of Holy-Buts, and are white and tranſparent. Beds and Bed-Clothes.On the other Side their Beds are placed, which conſiſt in Shelves or Benches made up of Deal-Boards, raiſed half a Yard from the Ground; their Bedding is made of Seals and Rain-Deer Skins.
