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of Greenland.

are of a vigorous Conſtitution. There are ſeldom found and ſick or lame, and but few Diſtempers are known among them, beſides Weakneſs of the Eye-Sight, which is cauſed by the ſharp and piercing Spring-Winds, as well as the Snow and Ice, that hurt the Sight.

I have met with ſome that ſeemed infected witha kind of Leproſy; yet, (what is ſurprizing to me) though they converſe with others, and lay with them in one Bed, it is not catching. Northern Greenlanders plagued with Dyſentery, Breaſt Diſeaſes, &c.They that dwell in the moſt Northern Parts are often miſerably plagued with Dyſenteries, or bloody Fluxes, Breaſt Diſeaſes, Boils, and Epilepſy or Falling Sickneſs, &c. No contagious Diſtempers.There were no epidemical or contagious Diſeaſes known amongſt them, as Plague, Small-pox, and ſuch like, till the Year 1734, when one of the Natives, who was with ſeveral others were brought over to Denmark, and together with his Companions had the Small-pox at Copenhagen, coming home again to his native Country, brought the Infection amongſt them; of