of Greenland.
For outward Hurts, as Wounds, Cuts of Knives, and the like, they ſew or ſtitch them together. Strange Cure of Blindneſs.If any grow blind, as it often happens to them, the Eye being covered over with a white Skin; they make a ſmall Hook with a Needle, which they faſten into this Skin, to looſen it from the Eye, and then with a Knife they pull it off. When Children are plagued with Worms, the Mother puts her Tongue (Salvâ vericâ) into the Anus of the Children, for to kill them. Burnt Moſs with Train-Oil mixt together ſerves for Plaiſters to freſh Wounds; or they cover the Wounds with a Piece of the innermoſt Rind of a Tree, and it will heal of itſelf.
Are of an indolent and ſtupid Temper.The Greenlanders are commonly of a phlegmatick Temper, which is the Cauſe of a cold Nature and Stupidity: they ſeldom fly into a Paſſion, or are much affected or taken with any thing, but of an inſenſible, indolent Mind. Yet I am of Opinion, that what contributes moſt to this Coldneſs and Stupidity is Want of EducationI