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of Greenland.

diſtreſſed Mortals to periſh for Want of Victuals.

Finally the Greenlanders, as to their Manners and common Way of Life, are very ſlovenly, naſty and filthy; They are exceeding filthy and ſlovenly.they ſeldom waſh themſelves[1], will eat out of Plates and Bowls after their Dogs, without cleanſing them; and (what is moſt nauſeous to behold) eat Lice and ſuch like Vermin, which they find upon themſelves or others. Thus they make good the old Proverb, What drips from the Noſe, falls into the Mouth; that nothing may be loſt. They will ſcrape the Sweat from off their Faces with a Knife, and lick it up. They do not bluſh to ſit


  1. The Way the Men waſh themſelves, is to lick their Fingers (as the Cat does his Paws) and rub their Eyes with them to get the Salt off, which the Sea throws into their Face. The Women waſh themſelves in their Urine, that their Hair may grow, and to give it (according to their Fancy) a fine Smell. When a Maiden has thus waſhed herſelf, their common Saying is Niviarſiarſuanerks, that is, ſhe ſmells like a Virgin-Maid. Thus waſhed they go into the cold Air, and let it freeze, which ſhews the Strength of their Heads, and it well becomes Foreigners to do ſo.