very well. Their Shoes and Boots, with little Difference, are like thoſe of the Men. Their Hair, which is very long and thick, is braided and tied up in a Knot, which becomes them well. They commonly go bare-headed, as well without as within Doors; nor are they covered with Hoods, but in caſe it rains or ſnows. Their chief Ornaments and Finery is to wear Glaſs Beads of diverſe Colours, or Corals about the Neck and Arms, and Pendants in their Ears. They alſo wear Bracelets, made of black Skin, ſet with Pearls, with which they alſo trim their Clothes and Shoes.
The Greenland Sex have, beſides this, another ſort of Embelliſhment, viz. they make long black Strokes between the Eyes on the Forehead, upon the Chin, Arms, and Hands, and even upon the Thighs and Legs; theſe they make with a Needle and Thread made black. And though this to others ſeems a wrong way of embelliſhing, yet they think it very handſome and ornamental. And they ſay, that thoſe who do not thus deform their Faces, their Heads