The Women eat by themſelves.The Women do not eat in Company with the Men, but ſeparately by themſelves; and in the Abſence of their Huſbands, when gone a fiſhing, they, being left to themſelves, invite one another, and make grand Chear. Are able to endure Hunger for a whileAnd as they eat heartily, when they can come at it; ſo they can as well endure Hunger, when Scarcity of Proviſion requires it. It has been obſerved, that in great Scarcity they can live upon Pieces of old Skins, upon Reets, or Sea Weeds, and other ſuch Traſh. But the Reaſon why they can endure Hunger better than we Foreigners, I take to be their Bodies being ſo ſquat and corpulent, their Fat yielding them Matter of Nouriſhment within themſelves, for a while, till it be conſumed.
Greenland Deſerts, or laſt Courſes of the Table.Beſides the fore-mentioned Proviſions, they alſo eat a ſort of reddiſh Sea-Weed, and a kind of Root, which they call Tugloronet, both dreſſed with Fat, or Train Oil; the Dung of the Rain-Deer, taken out of the Guts, when they cleanſe them; the Entrails of Partridges, and the like Out-Caſt,paſs