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of Greenland.

to correct them, when they do any thing amiſs, but leave them to their own Diſcretion. Notwithſtanding which, when they are grown, they never ſeem inclined to Vice or Roguery, which is to be admired. 'Tis true, they ſhew no grat Reſpect to their Parents in any outward Forms, but always are very willing to do what they order them; though ſometimes they will bid their Parents do it themſelves. They are under the Care of their Parents,Children remain with their Parents till they are married. Boys as well as Girls, till they are married; afterwards they ſhift for themſelves, yet ſo, that they continue to dwell in the ſame Houſe, or under the ſame Roof with their Fathers, together with other Kindred and Relations; and what they get, they all enjoy in common.
