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The Natural Hiſtory
merce; there he muſt look for a large Stone, near which he muſt ſit down and invoke Torngarkſuk, who, without delay, preſents himſelf before him. This Preſence terrifies the new Candidate of Angekutiſm to that degree, that he immediately ſickens, ſwoons away, and dies, and ſo, in this Condition, he lies for three whole Days; and then he comes to Life again, ariſes in a Newneſs of Life, and betakes himſelf to his Home again. The Science of an Angekkok conſiſts of three Things.Wherein conſiſts his Office or Miniſtry. 1. That he mutters certain Spells over ſick People, in order to make them recover their former Health. 2. He communes with Torgarſuk, and from him receives Inſtruction, to give People Advice, what Courſe they are to take in Affairs, that they may have Succeſs, and proſper therein. 3. He is by the ſame informed of the Time and Cauſe of any Body's Death; or for what Reaſon and Body comes to an untimely and uncommon End; and if any Fatality ſhall befal a Man. And though this lying Spirit of the Angekuts is oftentimes found out by their
