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of Greenland.

ſide, by whom he gets Information of all he wants to know. And all this is done in the Twinkling of an Eye.

Deſcription of an Angekkok Poglik, and his Inſtalment into ſuch an Office.Concerning the Angekkut Poglit, whom we juſt now mentioned, as they paſs for the Heads of the Clergy, and are reckoned the moſt Eminent and Wiſeſt of all, they alſo muſt paſs through the inferior Orders, and ſeveral hard Trials, before they can attain to this high Degree of Pre-eminency; for none is deemed worthy of ſuch a Dignity, but he that has made his Noviciateſhip in the lower Rank, as an ordinary Angekkok. The Trynal he muſt undergo, is this: They tie his Hands and Feet, as aforeſaid, and after the Light is put out, and they are all left in Darkneſs, (that no Body may ſee how the Trick is played, and their Impoſture be diſcovered) then they pretend, that a white Bear enters the Room, takes hold of his great Toe with his Teeth, and dragging him along to the Sea-ſhore, jumps with him into the Sea, where a Morſe is ready, and takes hold of him by his privy Parts, devouring him,
