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of Greenland.

way with, without Mercy, as a Plague to Mankind, and not deemed worthy to live.

Angekkuts pretend to be Phyſicians, but uſe ſtrange Remedies.Moreover the Angekkuts abuſe the People's Credulity, making them believe, that they can cure all ſorts of Diſeaſes; though they apply ſuch Remedies, as have no vertue in them to cure, ſuch as muttering of Spells, and blowing upon the ſick Bodies; wherein they reſemble, to a Hair, thoſe Conjurers, of which the Prophet Iſaiah ſpeaks, in the 8th Chapter, Verſe 19.

And if by Chance any one, who has been under theſe Jugglers Hands, recovers, they do not fail to aſcribe it to the vertue of their juggling Tricks. At Times they uſe this Way of curing the Sick; they lay him upon his Back, and tie a Ribbon, or a String, round his Head, having a Stick faſtened to the other End of the String, with which they lift up the ſick Body's Head from the Ground, and let it down again; and at every Lift he communes with his Torgak, or familiar Spirit, about the State of the Pa-