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The Natural Hiſtory

or natural Talents were forwarded by the Gifts of Grace; who would queſtion their Growth and Advancement in the Chriſtian Faith and Virtues, which would ripen to the full Harveſt of eternal Happineſs? Good God, Not difficult to help them out of their Ignorance and Miſery.how eaſy a Thing would it be to help theſe poor Wretches out of their Miſery, if thoſe that God has bleſſed with Wealth, were heavenly minded, and would be ſenſible of the wretched Condition of their fellow Creatures, and contribute out of thir Abundance to the Founding of a School in theſe Parts, and the providing of other moſt neceſſary Things?

The King yearly gives a conſiderable Sum for the Miſſionaries Entertainment.His Majeſty, out of his wonted moſt glorious Zeal for the Growth and Advancement of the Church of Chriſt, has moſt graciouſly provided, by a conſiderable Sum of Money yearly ſet apart, for the Greenland Miſſionaries Entertainment, which Royal Bounty continues to this Day; for which Goodneſs the moſt gracious God will bleſs his Majeſty and all the Royal Hereditary Houſe, and be their Reward for ever! But as a good deal of this Bounty Money muſt be employed
