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of Greenland.
Country; where the firſt Daniſh Lodge was ſettled in the Year 1721. In all Sea-Carts you will find laid down Forbiſher's Straits and Baer-Sound not to be found.Forbiſher's Strait and Baer-Sound, which, they pretend, form two large Iſlands, adjacent to the Main-Land; which, I think, are not to be found, at leaſt, not upon the Coaſt of Greenland; for I cou'd not meet with any thing like it, in the Voyage I undertook in the Year 1723 Southward, going upon Diſcoveries; though I went as far as to 60 Degrees that Way: But at preſent the newer Carts lay them down, the Northern Strait in 63, and the Southern in 62 Degrees. Some of the Ancients, which Thormoder follows in his Greenlandd Hiſtory, place them between 61 and 60 Degrees. So that the Carts differ mightily in this Particular. No Notice is taken of any ſuch Straits or Iſlands in the ancient Records of Greenland.Beſides this, there is not a Word or a Syllable mention'd in our ancient Records of Greenland of the aforeſaid two Straits and large Iſlands: They only inform us, that after the old Norwegians and Icelanders had began to ſettle Colonies on the Eaſt Side of Greenland, over againſt