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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/33

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of Greenland.


Firſt Settlement of Greenland, with ſome Thoughts on the Norwegian Colonies Extinction; and whether on the Eaſt Side no Remainders may be found of the old Norwegians: alſo, whether the ſame Tract of Land cannot be recovered.

'TIS undoubted, that the Ancients, not ſo much driven by any Neceſſity or Compulſion, as led by a natural and inbred Curioſity are fallen upon many ſtrange Ventures; as for inſtance, to diſcover and ſettle Colonies in ſo many formerly quite unknown and uninhabited Countries; to whoſe Diſcovery what particular Accidents have moſt contributed, we learn by the ſeveral Hiſtories and Deſcriptions thereof. For the Almighty and good God, who has not in vain created the vaſt Globe of the Earth, has alſo not intended, that any
