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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/67

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of Greenland.
there could be a Way and Means found likewiſe to place a Lodge on the Eaſtern Shore in the ſame Latitude. For according to the Account the Ancients have left us of Greenland, the Diſtance of Ground that lies uncultivated between the Weſt and Eaſt Side is but 12 Norway Miles by Water. See Ivarus Beri's Relation; or according to a later Computation, it is a Journey of fix Days in a Boat. And as the Ruins of old Habitations, which I have diſcovered between 60 and 61 Degrees, are without doubt in the moſt Southerly Part of the Weſt Side; it of Neceſſity follows, that the Diſtance cannot be very great from thence to the moſt Southern Parts of the Eaſtern Side. Now, if it ſhould be found practicable, at certain Times, to paſs along the Shore with Boats or ſmall Ships to the Eaſt Side, to the Latitude of 63 and 64 Degrees, little Small Lodges to be erected here and there.Lodges might be ſettled here and there with Colonies; by which Means a conſtant Correſpondence might be kept, and mutual Aſſiſtance given to one another, though larger Ships could not yearly viſit every
