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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/76

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The Natural Hiſtory
lour of yellow Braſs. There are Quantities of yellow and red Paint.In my Expedition upon Diſcoveries I found on a little Iſland, where we touched, ſome yellow Sand, mixed with Sinople red, or Vermilion Strokes, of which I ſent a Quantity over to the Directors of the Greenland Company at Bergen, to make a Trial of it; upon which they wrote me an Anſwer, that I ſhould endeavour to get as much as I could of the ſame Same; but to theirs, as well as my own Diſappointment, I never was able to find the ſaid Iſland again, where I had got this Sand, as it was but a very ſmall and inſignificant one, ſituated among a great many others; and the Mark I had taken Care to put up, was by the Wind blown down. Nevertheleſs there has been enough of the ſame Stuff found up and down in the Country, which when it is burnt, changes its former Colour for a reddiſh Hue, which it likewiſe does, if you keep it a while ſhut up cloſe. Whether this be of the ſame Sand that formerly was brought from thence, is uncertain.Whether or no this be of the ſame ſort of Sand, as that which Sir Martin Forbiſher is ſaid to have brought ſome Hundred Tuns to England, and was
