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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/89

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of Greenland.

hardly remarkable.In Greenland is obſerved great Ebb and Flow. See Mr. Wollf's Reaſonable Thoughts on the Effects of Nature, p. 541. Whereas no where greater Tide is obſerved; the Sea at New and Full Moon, eſpecially in the Spring and Fall, riſes and falls about three Fathoms.


Of the Land Animals, and Land Fowls or Bird of Greenland; and how they hunt and kill them.

Greenland has no poiſonous or ravenous Animals.There are no venomous Serpents or Inſects, no ravenous wild Beaſts to be ſeen in Greenland, if you except the Beat, which ſome will have to be an Amphibious Animal, as he lives chiefly upon the Ice in the moſt northern Parts, and feeds upon Seals and Fiſh. He very ſeldom appears near the Colony, in which I had taken up my Quarters. He is of a very large Size, and of a hideous and frightful Aſ-
