Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/94

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The Natural Hiſtory
and where they are in any Number, there they chaſe them by Clap-hunting, ſetting upon them on all Sides, and ſurrounding them with all their Women and Children, to force them into Defiles and narrow Paſſages, where the Men armed lay in wait for them and kill them. And when they have not People enough to ſurround them, then they put up white Poles (to make up the Number that is wanted) with Pieces of Turf to head them, which frightens the Deer, and hinders it from eſcaping. There are alſo vaſt Numbers of Hares,Greenland Hares very good. which are white Summer and Winter, very fat and of a good Taſte. Great Number of Foxes, white and grey.There are Foxes of different Colours, white, grey and blueiſh; they are of a leſſer Size than thoſe of Denmark and Norway, and not ſo hairy, but more like Martens. The Natives commonly catch them alive in Traps, built of Stones like little Huts. The reſ of fourfooted Animals, which ancient Hiſtorians tell us are found in Greenland, are Sobles, Marterns, Wolves, Loſſes, Ermins, and ſeveral others; I have met with none of them on the Weſtern Side. See
