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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/96

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The Natural Hiſtory

As for Land Fowls or Birds, Greenland knows of none but Rypper, which is a ſort of large Partridges,Here are large white Partridges in abundance. white in Winter, and grey in Summer-time, and theſe they have in great Number. Ravens ſeem to be domeſtick Birds with them, for they are always ſeen about their Huts, hovering about the Carcaſſes of Seals, that lie upon the Ground. There are likewiſe very Eagles,As likewiſe Eagles and Falcons. their Wings ſpread out being a Fathom wide, but they are ſeldom ſeen in the Northern Parts of the Country. You find here Falcons or Hawks, ſome grey, ſome of a whitiſh Plumage, and ſome ſpeckled; as alſo great ſpeckled Owls. There are different ſorts of little Sparrows,Singing Birds. Snow Birds, and Ice Birds, and a little Bird not unlike a Linnet, which has a very melodious Tune.

The Gnats are here very troubleſome.Amongſt the Inſects of Greenland, the Midge or Gnats are the moſt troubleſome, whoſe Sting leaves a ſwelling and burning Pain behind it; and this Trouble they are moſt expoſed to in the hot Seaſon, againſt which there is no Shelter to be found.