Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/171

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two fragments, has nearly a triangular form, extends rather across the median line, and is 4 in. in circumference; the other, situated between the lower fragment, and the left half of the frontal bone, is long and irregularly nar-
row, and is 2⅝ in. in circumference. The edges of the fractured bones are smooth, and there is nowhere any new deposit. 1868.

Dr. John M. Harlow, of Woburn.

For the bar above referred to see No. 3106.

950. A cast of the head of the above individual. Soon after Dr. H. published the case, Dr. Bigelow wrote to him, and made arrangements, at a very considerable expense to him-
self, to have the man sent down to this city, and kept here for a full examination. After he had satisfied himself that the bar had actually passed through the man's head, and that he had essentially recovered from the accident, he was exhibited to the profession, the cast was taken, and a full account of the case, with illustrations, was published by Dr. B., in the American Jour. of Med. Sciences, July, 1850. 1856.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

The very small amount of attention that has been given to the above wonderful case, by the profession in this country, as well as in Europe, can only be explained by the fact that it far transcends any case of recovery from injury of the head that can be found in the records of surgery. It was too monstrous for belief, and yet Dr. Harlow has at last furnished evidence that leaves no ques-
tion in regard to it.

951. A skull that was prepared by Dr. B., to show the course that the bar was supposed to have taken. 1856.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

952. Cast of the head of a man who was transfixed through the head by an iron gas-pipe, and who, to a very considerable extent, recovered from the accident.

The accident happened in the State of Ohio, May 14th, 1867, and the following is an abstract of the case, which was reported to Dr. Bigelow by the attending physicians, Drs. M. Jewett and F. W. Inman. The patient, a healthy and intelligent man, about twenty-seven years of age, was