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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/30

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88. The same. Process for the insertion of the tendon of the psoas parvus strongly marked. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

89. Bones of the hand separately mounted. 1849.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

90. The same, of the foot. 1849. Dr. J. C. Warren.

91. Wooden model, greatly enlarged, of the lower portion of the radius and ulna, carpus, one metacarpal bone, and three phalanges. 1847. Dr. O. W. Holmes.

92-9. Collections of lower maxillary bones, vertebrae, ribs, clavicles, ossa innominata, patellae, sternal and sacral bones. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

100. Vertical section, showing one lateral half of the cranium and trunk ; also, a section that shows very perfectly the parts within the nasal cavity. From Paris, and mounted so as to revolve. 1862. Museum Fund.

101. Calvaria, from which the outer table has been rasped off, to show the diploe. Dr. J. C. Warren.

102. The same. Prepared by Dr. H. 1856.

Dr. O. W. Holmes.

103. Calvaria removed, and showing the frontal sinuses, which are very large. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

104. Vertical section of a portion of the skull, from before, backwards, and upon one side of the median line ; to show the sinuses. 1856.

105. Vertical section through the base of the skull, and cervical vertebrae ; frontal and sphenoidal sinuses large. Cartila- ginous septum of the nostrils shown. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.