1934. The same, over front of leg, midway ; callous.
1935. The same. A large ulcer over inner ankle, and several quite small ones above it ; fungous.
1936. The same, upon cubital edge of forearm ; scrofulous.
1937. The same ; one large ulcer over inner ankle, and two small cicatrices above it ; " scorbutic."
1938. The same, upon lower part of leg ; " dartrous."
1939. The same ; varicose.
1940. Several openings over front of leg, with much inflamma- tion about them ; connected with syphilitic inflammation of the bone and periosteum.
1941. Burn over the thigh ; skin reddened.
1942. The same ; arm and elbow ; vesication.
1943. The same, on the shoulder ; surface suppurating.
1944. The same, on the leg ; parts more deeply affected than in the last.
1945. The same ; lower extremity ; destruction of the integu- ments.
1946. The same ; foot of a child ; tissues charred.
1947. Phlegmonous inflammation of skin, and integuments of thigh.
1948. The same, of cellular tissue of forearm, after amputation ; swelling, with suppuration.
1949. The same, of tendinous sheaths of foot, with swelling and gangrene ; sloughs separating.
1950. The same ; acute abscess over elbow and forearm.
1951. Boils upon the forearm ; of different sizes and degrees of inflammation.
1952. The same, over the hip ; one opening.
1953. The same, upon the thigh of a child ; with gangrene of the skin and tissues. Deep and extensive discoloration of the inner surface ; the skin, however, not being broken.
Psoas and lumbar abscess, connected with caries of the vertebrae. See Nos. 1381-2.
1954. Carbuncle, with gangrenous eschar. Simple form of car- buncular inflammation ; upon anterior and outer portion of leg.
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