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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/49

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265. Model of the heart, etc. ; cavities shown. By Auzoux, of Paris. 1851. Museum Fund.

266. Heart injected, etc. ; from a child. Spine and part of thorax preserved. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

267. The same, with the lungs in connection. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

268. Right auricle and ventricle injected, but not the left. 1847. Dr. J. G. Warren.

269. Heart of a child, injected. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

270-2. Mould in plaster of the cavity of the right auricle and ventricle, and of the left auricle ; and in wax of the left ventricle. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

273. Heart injected with alcohol ; and, when stiffened, cut away to show the cavities and the valves ; in spirit, and pre- pared by Dr. H. 1857. Dr. B. M. Hodges.

274. A second specimen, similarly prepared, by Dr. H.,to show the relations of the valves. 1858. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

275. Heart and lungs of an adult ; and the same of a child ; in

spirit. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

276. An adult and healthy heart, upon which an experiment

was performed in 1858, when M. Groux was here, and whose case (bifid condition of the sternum) excited so much interest in this country and in Europe. The object was to show what different parts of the organ corresponded to certain points in the anterior parietes of the chest.

As the subject lay upon the back, long needles were thrust in perpendicularly, as follows : Immediately to the left of the sternum, between the second and third cartila- ges (1) ; between the third and fourth (2) ; and between the fourth and fifth (3). Immediately to the right of the ster- num, between the third and fourth cartilages (4) ; and be-

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