occasionally strong vaginal injections, and during this time mainly the epithelial bodies were discharged. For the first three months they came away regularly once a month ; but afterward more frequently ; and at last several were passed in a week ; the number altogether being ninety-six. The specimens here shown are opaque, and of a reddish color, from the injections that had been used, as the patient thought ; the appearance generally being pearly and semi-transparent, according to her report. Menstruation began at the age of nineteen, was generally irregular, and had ceased about two years before the dis- charge of these bodies commenced. Much dysuria for many years, with bearing-down pain, but not much leu- corrhoaa. 1857. Mr. T. H. Gibby, med. student.
2794. A cyst removed from the vulva, and about the size of a large filbert. It has been turned inside out, stuffed, and dried ; and, there having been two ducts, these are marked by bristles. Prepared by Dr. B., who regarded it as a dis- tended Cowper's gland. 1869. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.
2795. Two cysts beneath the mucous membrane of the vagina, from in. to 1 in. in diameter, and filled apparently with serum. One is just below the os uteri, and the other near the vulva. From the same patient as No. 2791. 1857.
Dr. C. Ellis.
2796. A soft and extremely flaccid tumor, that arose from the internal labium by quite a small pedicle, and hung down 11 in. between the thighs when the patient stood erect. Cuticular covering very delicate, and healthy in appear- ance. The patient was about twenty years of age ; and the growth had been forming about three years. 1856.
Dr. D. H. Storer.
2797. A slender, but firm little polypoid excrescence, about an inch in length, and removed from the internal labium of a married woman. It had existed for a year, and kept up a constant vaginitis, which was relieved after the excision. 1856. Dr. D. H. Storer.
2798. A fibrous tumor removed from the right labium of an unmarried woman, set. thirty-five years. It was of fifteen
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