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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/68

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440. A colored lithograph of a negro idiot ; a young adult. His stunted condition (3 -^ ft.), healthy appearance, hap- py expression, and frequent protrusion of the tongue from his half-open mouth were perfectly characteristic. When he closed his mouth the incisor teeth did not meet, but left an elliptical opening, as in the Chimpanzee ; the elbow and knee-joints could not be fully extended, and the calves are seen in the figure to be quite small. His head, which was formed as usual in such cases, and was one of the smallest, in., in circumference 14 in., between the orifices of the ears 3 in., and from the chin to the vertex 6 in. The attendant stated that he never made any articulate sounds ; that he had to be attended to every two or three hours for his excretions ; that he had hair upon the pubes, and an occasional erection, but he had never known him to have an emission, nor to show any tendency to masturbation. 1862. Museum Fund.

Casts of the heads of idiots, transferred from the Phreno- logical collection ; all but the six last being originally from the collections of Dr. Spurzheim, and Mr. Holm, of London. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

441-3. Pimault, with the skull and brain. The skull is in Es- quirol's collection, at Salpetriere.

444. " Sukey Hilling, sixty years of age ; height 5 ft. 3 in. ; weight 13 stone 11 pounds. Living at Beccles, Suffolk. Cast 12th of February, 1827. During her youth, she had the cerebellum active. Has sufficient^ locality to wander from home in the fields, and finds her way back ; is fond of colors, and submitted to be cast on receiving a gaudy- colored shawl. "

445-9. " Tom Franklin, John, Maria, Mary, Susan. The whole family, seven in number, are idiots. The father and moth- er keep the jail at Bungay, Suffolk, and are frequently in- toxicated."

450. "Idiot inferior to ourang outaug." Cast of skull.

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