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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/697

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discharged. Both specimens are preserved, and a head is said to have come away with each, though it cannot now be shown. Several years have now elapsed, and there has been no further trouble. 1867.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

3071. Cysticercus cellulosae. Two specimens, with a small portion of muscle, in which the cyst is seen, from which one of them was removed. From a middle-aged negro, and chiefly in the muscles of the legs ; also in the dura mater. 1854. Dr. J. Wyman.

3072. A second specimen. From a rather young adult, male, dissecting-room subject, and in whom no organic disease was found. Great numbers of the parasites were found throughout the muscles of the limbs and trunk, some in the integument, and many were seen as well as felt just beneath the skin. In size, they varied from a grain of rice to a coffee-bean. Several specimens are shown ; and two in connection with the skin. 1856.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

3073. Acephalocysts from the liver of a hog. (No. 2388.) 1854. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

3074. Hydatids from the liver ; from the size of a pea to that of a horse-chestnut.

The patient was a lady, thirty-five years of age, who had had for several years pain and uneasiness in the right hypochon- drium. In the spring of 1856 an obscure tumor was discov- ered there ; " feeling like a watch," and deeply seated be- neath the integuments. In April, 1857, a large tumor was rap- idly developed in the same spot ; excessively painful and tender, and compressing the lung so that the resp. murmur could only be heard at the upper part. One night she had several discharges from the bowels, of a clear, colorless, and exceedingly fetid fluid. The tumor disappeared almost wholly, and at once ; and there was extreme prostration, with much fever, from which she slowly recovered. About the 1st of June she began to cough, and expectorate frothy mucus ; and about the first of September she began to cough up the hydatids ; two or three being discharged

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