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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/701

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3093. Cast of an enlarged spleen ; colored ; the result of por- tal obstruction in case of cirrhosis. The organ weighed 2 Ibs., and measured 9 in. by 6 in. From a man, set. twenty-one. (Hospital, 259-96.)

This enlargement is sometimes a valuable diagnostic aid in questionable disease of the liver. 1864.

Museum Fund.

3094. A second and similar cast ; from a case of leucocythe- mia. The patient was a widow, forty-two years of age, and the enlargement had been known to exist for about two years. The tumor could be seen as well as felt be- tween the cartilages of the ribs and the umbilicus. Through the vagina, also, it could be felt, soft, and as if containing fluid. The woman was very pale, with loss of flesh and strength, a rapid pulse, variable appetite, constipation, dyspno3a, and during the last year, amenorrhosa. There was epistaxis for the last six months, increasing in fre- quency, and often severe ; and diarrhoea during the last week. The nature of the case was misunderstood ; and the patient was to have been operated upon, as for ovarian dropsy, if she had not sunk under the constitutional effects of her disease. The organ weighed 4 Ibs. 14 oz., and measured 12 in. by 5 in. Dr. H. J. Bigelow examined the blood from the splenic vein, and found the number of white corpuscles in it immense. The condition of the lymphatic glands was not observed. 1868.

Museum Fund.

3095. Cast, by Dr. L., of an enlarged spleen, that, in the recent state, was 12 in. long, 7 in. wide, 3 in. thick, and as com- pact as the liver. (Hospital, 151, 2.)

From a man, thirty-three years of age, who had been sick about ten months, and had never had intermittent fever. The tumor filled the whole left side of the abdo- men, and was first felt about eleven weeks before death. There had been pleurisy twice ; and, toward the last, deaf-

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