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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/76

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535. Cavity of the tympanum ; foetal. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

536. Adult bone, cut away to show the membrane of tympanum. By Mr. M. 1865. Mr. Paul Munde, med. student.

537. Ossicula from the adult. Several specimens, in which the " orbiculare" is co-ossified with the incus. 1857.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

538. Large wooden models of the ossicula. 1847.

Dr. 0. W. Holmes.

539. Cartilage of Meckel shown in situ, in a foetal pig upon one side. And upon one side of the animal there has been hung the cartilage from a human foetus ; from each side, meeting upon the median line, and with the mallei attached. By Dr. W., who refers to a full article upon the subject, with figures, by MM. Magilot and Robin, in the Annales des Sc. Nat. for 1862 ; Vol. xvm. 4th series. 1865.

Dr. J. Wyman.

540. Preparation to show the mastoid cells. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

541-3. Two large models, in wood, and one in wax, of the in- ternal ear. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

544. Portion of the integument, showing the very small size of the external ear, in the cetaceans. From a porpoise, about 5 ft. long. A bristle can just be passed through the carti- laginous external meatus. 1852. Dr. J. Wyman.

545. Head of an owl, showing the absence of feathers about the external meatus, and how this last opens, as Dr. "Wyman remarked, upward upon one side, and downward upon the other. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.


546. Transverse section of the body of an eel, showing the

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