758 INDEX.
seborrhoea, sycosis and favus, 395, 396; glanders, 403 ; cheioides, 403, 404; lupus, 404, 405.
Skull. Fractured, 145-59; thickened, 219, 220; deformed, 308-10. See Mon- strosities.
Spavin, 253.
Spine. Lateral curvature, 307, 308, 322; caries of vertebra;, 253-9; caries with- out curvature, 258, 259. See Monstrosities.
Spina bifida, 102; over sacrum, 104-8.
Spinal cord and membranes, 47; diseased, 388.
Spleen. Malformation, 140 ; enlarged, 679 ; inflammation, 680 ; tubercular disease, 680; malignant disease, C80, 681.
Stomach, 61, 62; in double monsters, 115-18, 128, 130; hour-glass contraction, 443 ; cadaveric softening, 443 ; laceration, 444 ; ecchymosis, 445 ; hemorrhagic erosion, 445; ulceration, 445; chronic ulcer, 445-51; polypoid growths, 452; tumors, 452-5; cancer, 457-66; situation of tumor, in cancer, 458; foreign bodies, 443, 744; larvae of oestrus, 444.
Stump, 321, 741; neuralgic, 389, 390; bones from, 313-18.
Surinam toad, 85.
Suture. Sagittal closed in the foetus, 309.
Symphysis pubis. Relaxed during gestation, 81.
Syphilis. Chancre on thumb, 402; bone, 285, 286, 392; teeth, 420; larynx, 430; liver, 502; inoculation, 402; vegetations on labia, 604, and prepuce, 619.
Teeth, 55-57; anomalies, 55, 56,419; in ovarian cyst, 574; incisors of rodents deflected, 418; iron balls in tusks of elephants, 417, 418.
Testicle. Blood effused, 611; encysted disease, 611; tubercular disease, 611; ma- lignant disease, 611, 612; castration, 610; disease of tunica vaginalis, 610.
Thyroid cartilage. Malformed, 59 ; fractured, 426.
Trachea. Case of cutthroat, 440; croup and diphtheria, 427; variola, 429; tubercular ulceration, 429, 430; opening, by ulceration, from oesophagus, 441; polypoid growth, 431; foreign bodies, 424-6, 743.
Trout, double, 131, 731.
Tubal pregnancy, 622, 623.
Tumors. Encysted, 632-8, 414; fatty, 639, 640 ; fatty and fibrous, 641, 642; fibro- cellular, 646, 647; fibrous, 648; ear-ring tumors, 649; neuromatous, 649, 650, 389; from parotid region, 651, 660; fibro-nucleated, 651; cellular, 652; exos- toses, 280-3; enchondromatous, 653-63, 747; myeloid, 663; fibro-plastic, 663, 664; epulis, 665; thyroid, 681; erectile, 665, 371, 373; varicose arterial, 371; epithelial, from throaty 666; eiloides, 670; malignant, 666-70; warty growth, from an oak, 671.
Typhoid fever. Rose spots, and sudamina, 395 ; gangrene of surface, 393 ; intes- tine, 473-5; mesenteric glands, 377.
Ulcer. Inflammatory, chronic and gangrenous, varicose, callous, fungous, scrofu- lous, scorbutic, dartous, 391, 392.
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