*flie, hate the company of.
Abhorrir; as Abhorrer. Abhorrissant; abhorring, detesting, loathing.
Abiect: m. cte: f. abiect, base, vile, contemptible, outcast, of no value; despised, cast off, or away; lowly deiected, out of courage, out of conceit with himselfe.
Abiection: f. abiection, vilenesse, abiect lowlinesse; basenesse of hart, faintnesse in courage, ouermuch humilitie, or vndervaluing of himselfe.
Abier: m. a faulcon gentle.
Abile; & Abiller; as Habile; & Habiller. Abisme; & Abismer; as Abysme; & Abysmer. Abismé: m. ée: f. ingulfed.
Abiuré. abiured, denied by oath; forsworne.
Abiurement: m. an abiuring, forswearing, denying with an oath.
Abiurer. to abiure, forsweare; denie with an oath.
Ablatif: m. the ablative Case.
Ablation: f. a taking away, or from.
Ablayé; terres ablayées de bled; Corne ground; land whereon Corne growes, or wherin it hath bene sowed.
Ablays: m. Corne growing, or in sheaues.
Able: f. a blay, or bleake, fish.
Ableret: m. a kind of small fish-net.
Ablette: f. a little blay, or bleake.
Abloquié. Edefices abloquiez: viz. baillez par le seigneur direct en Emphyteose, & Censiue.
Ablution: f. a washing away.
Abois: m. as Abbois. Aboli: m. ie: f. abolished; rased, defaced, put out, abrogated, extinguished, annihilated, fordone, disanulled.
Abolir; to abolish; to rase, deface, blot, or put, out; to abrogate, annihilate, extinguish, fordoe, disanull.
Abolissement: m. an abolishment, or abolishing; a rasing, defacing, abrogating, disanulling.
Abolition: f. an abolishment, annihilation, abrogation, extinguishment: And in law, the leaue giuen by the king, or iudges, vnto a criminal accuser, to desist from further persecution: In Chancerie, An absolue, or general, pardon. Abolition de creances, & vieilles scedules; a generall, release, Quietus est, or forgiuenesse of olde debts. Lettres d'abolition. An absolute pardon graunted by the Prince vnto a whole Countrie, Towne, or Village, that hath offended: ¶ Nicor. Yet other, more generally, mean by Abolition, any absolute or generall pardon.
Abominable: com. Abhominable, execrable, detestable.
Abomination: f. an abhomination, a detestation, a horrible, or execrable thing.
Abominer; To detest, abhorre, loath extreamly; to haue in abhomination.
Abondamment. abundantly, copiously, fully, plentifully, enough and enough againe.
Abondance: f. store, abundance, plentie, fulnesse, copiosnesse.
Abondant. Abundant, plentifull, plentious, copious, very full, exceeding much. D'abondant, (Aduerbially) Ouer and besides, moreouer.
Abonder. To abound, or ouerflow with; to be rich in; to be full, or haue store, of.
Abonnage; as Abornement; Also, an exchange, or alienation of rents, duties, or seruices.
Abonnassé. Calmed, quieted, appeased, pacified.
Abonné: m. ée: f. Compounded for, or with; agreed
for before hand; at a certaine rate with; made good with, exchanged for.
Abonnement: m. A compounding with, or for; an agreeing for, a being at a certaine rate with, beforehand; a making good of one thing with another; also an exchanging, or aliening of one thing for another.
Abonner. To compound with, or for; to agree beforehand, or be at a certaine rate, with, for a thing; to make good one thing with another; also to alien, or exchange, one thing for another.
Abonneur. An alienor, exchanger; Also, as Acquereur. Abonni: m. ie: f. Made good; Also as Aborné. Abonnir. To make good; also to doe good vnto; also as Aborner. Abord: m. An arriuall, an approach; a boording, abbording, drawing neere vnto. De doux abord. Gentle, courteous, affable: of open accesse, easie to be spoken with, or come vnto.
Abordable: com. Affable, abbordable, approchable, boordable.
Abordade: f. as Abordeé. Abordé. Approached, abboorded, accoasted, boorded, drawne neere vnto; also arriued, or landed at.
Abordée: f. An approach, boording, abboording, accoasting, drawing neere vnto; also, an arriuall, arriuing, or landing at. D'abordée. At first, at first sight; as soone as they touched, incountred, or came, togither.
Abordement; asAbordée. Aborder. To approach, accoast, abboord; boord, or lay aboord; come, or draw neere vnto; also, to arriue, or land at.
Abornage; as Abournage. Aborné: m. ée: f. Limitted, stinted, bounded, knowing his bounds, or what he must trust vnto; hence, compounded with, or for; agreed beforehand for; at a certaine rate with, vpon a former agreement.
Abornément. A limiting, bounding, stinting; also, a composition, or compounding; a setting of a certaine price on, or a standing at a certain rate for; a receiuing, or paying for, things, otherwise than in kind.
Aborner. To limit, bound, stint; also, to compound with, or for; to set a certaine rent on; to stand at a certaine rate for; to receaue, or deliuer, by former agreement, any thing otherwise than in kind.
Abortif: m. iue: f. Abortiue, vntimely, still-borne; bred, borne, or brought forth, before a due time. Oeuf abortif. An addle egge, or, an eg whose shell is not yet hard.
Abouchement: m. A parley, or conference.
Aboucher. To parley, treat, conferre with by word of mouth; to speake face to face vnto.
Abouchon: d'ab: Groueling, layd on his face, or on all foure; also, stooping; hauing, or holding, the face downward.
Abouquement: m. A heaping vp, as of new made sault.
Abouquer. To heape, or pile vp.
Abourionner. To bud, sprout out, put forth.
Abournage: m. A composition, a certaine rate, or valuation of, a beforehand agreement for, things.
Abournement; & Abourner; as Abornement; & Aborner. Abouter; To bring, or draw to a head, or end.
Abouti: m. ie: f. Growne ripe, drawn to a head, brought to an end; also, abutted, affronted, confined, comeneere