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Competiteur: m. A competitor, concurrent, fellow suitor, or seeker for.

Compilation: f. A compilation, or compiling; also a rapsodie; a booke, treatise, or collection, of sundrie matters, heaped together.

Compilé: m. ée: f. Compiled, heaped together.

Compissant: m. ante: f. Staying to pisse at euery post; bepissing euery place; all-to-bepissing.

Compissé: m. ée: f. Bepissed, all to bepissed.

Compisser. All to bepisse; to pisse euery where, or bepisse euerie place he comes in, euerie corner he comes neere.

Compite: m. A crosse way, or place where diuers waies doe meete; as, the corner of a street, &c.

Complaignant: m. A complainant, or complayner; properly, one that complaines, of an Offence committed, vnto a Magistrate, or court, of Iustice; referring to them the prosecution, and punishment thereof, and refusing to medle further in it.

Complaignant: m. ante: f. Complayning; playning, or finding himselfe aggrieued; or expressing his griefe.

Complaindre. To playne, complaine; bemone, bewaile, finde himselfe aggrieued, or expresse his griefe. Se Complaindre en matiere de saisine, & de nouvelleté. To bring a writ of Nouel disseisin against.

Complainte: f. A plaint, complaint, moane, lamentation; also, an accusation, or bill of complaint. Complainte de Novelleté. A Writ, or Action of Nouel disseisin (must be brought within a yeare of the disseisin.) Ramener la complainte sur les lieux. To procure a Iudge to heare, examine, and determine a controuersie vpon the land in controuersie.

Complaire. To please, like, delight; serue, obserue, be obedient, or obsequious vnto; conforme, or apply himselfe to the humors of.

Complaisance: f. Delight, pleasure; fulnesse of, or fellowship in, ioy.

Complaisant: m. ante: f. Obsequious, obseruant, soothing, (and thereby) pleasing.

Complant: m. A vine plant; also, a place thats planted with yong vines; the nurserie of a vineyard; also, veriuice; also, as Complanterie. Tenir vignes à complans. Which is, on condition to plant new, or preserue the old, vine-plants; or, to yeeld vnto the Lord a certaine portion of the fruits, and reuenue, of the vine-yard.

Complanté: m. ée: f. Planted, or stored with yong plants.

Complanter. To plant a vine-yard; to store it with vine-plants; to set new, or preserue old vine-plants; also, to lay out, or deliuer ouer, a Lords part, or share, in the fruits of a vine-yard let by him vnto parts, or halues; or to let a vine-yard in that manner.

Complanterie: f. A letting out of a vine-yard to halues, or for part of the fruit thereof; also, the part, or portion due vnto the Landlord by such a lease, or estate made.

Complexion: f. The complexion, making, temper, constitution of the bodie; also, the disposition, affection, humors, or inclination of the mind; also, as Simploce.

Complexionné: m. ée: f. Complexioned; made, framed, composed; of complexion, or constitution; disposed, affected, inclined.
  Corps bien complexionné. Well fashioned, or tempered, well set together; of a good constitution, of an excellent composition.
  Mal complexionné. Ill disposed, affected, inclined;

of leud behauior, bad manners, and worse conditions.

Complication: f. A complication, or folding together.

Complice: m. A Complice, confederate, companion (in a leud Action.)

Complicité: f. A conspiracie, a bad confederacie.

Complie: f. The complyne; or, a part of the Popish Euensong. l'heure de complie: Seeke, Heure. Compliqué: m. ée: f. Foulded, enwrapped, intangled together.

Complot: m. A complot, conspiracie, couin, confederacie, packe, or compacting together.

Comploté: m. ée: f. Complotted, conspired, packed betweene, or among.

Comploter. To complot, conspire, combine or packe together.

Comploteux: m. euse: f. Full of, or addicted vnto, complots, or complotting.

Componé. La bordure componée. A border Gobonnie, in Blason.

Comporté: m. ée: f. Comported; indured, borne, suffered; behaued, maintained, sustained.

Comportement: m. Comportment, behauior, carriage, the bearing of himselfe.

Comporter. To indure, beare; suffer; also, to extend, or ly (in Surueying.) Se Comporter. To carrie, beare, behaue; maintaine, or sustaine, himselfe.

Composé: m. ée: f. Composed, compounded, made, framed; disposed, ordered, digested; written, or done in verse; also, accorded, agreed, attoned, compounded, reconciled.

Composer. To compound, make, frame; dispose, order, digest; to write verses, compose, or poetize it; also, to accord, attone, reconcile aduersaries; or, to compound, finish, take vp, their differences, and hence; Composer auec. To agree, take an order, make an end, fall to attonement, come to a composition, with. Composer son esprit contre les afflictions, &c; To frame, enure, or settle, his mind to resist griefes, indure crosses, beare mischances.

Composeur: m. A composer, poet, writer, maker; a setter in Musicke.

Compositeur: m. as Composeur; also, a Printers Compositor, he that setteth the letters for the Presse; also, an Arbitrator, stickler, vmpier, frendlie compounder of differences.

Composition: f. A composition; making, framing; a confection, compositure; compounding; also, a worke, or booke, or the writing of a worke, or booke; also, an accord, composition, attonement, agreement; also, a Quietus est, or generall acquitance from the king to a Treasurer, &c.

Compossesseur: m. A compossessor; a ioint possessor; one that enioyes, or hath part in, a thing with another.

Composte: f. A condiment, or composition; a wet sucket, (wherein sweet wine was vsed in stead of sugar) also, a pickled, or winter Sallet of hearbes, fruits, or flowers, condited in vinegar, salt, sugar, or sweet wine, and so keeping all the yeare long; any hearbes, fruit, or flowers in pickle; also pickle it selfe. Porter le bras en composte. To carry th' arme in a Skarfe.

Composté: m. ée: f. Compounded; bedrugged; mingled, or made of condiments, or compound stuffe; also, pickled.

Composter. To compound, sophisticate, bedrug; to season with, or make of, condiments; also, to pickle.