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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/234

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Contrefente: f. The bruise, or craze of a bone in another, or opposite, part to the place where the blow (that caused it) was giuen; this happens, especially, in the skull.

Contreferme. A counter-affirmation, or coūter-auouchment; an affirmation of that whereof another affirmes the contrarie.

Contrefermé: m. ée: f. Counter-affirmed, counter-auouched; the contrarie whereof is affirmed, or auouched.

Contrefermer. To oppose an affirmation vnto an affirmation; to affirme the contrarie of that which another hath affirmed; a Law-tearme.

Contrefeu: m. An yron backe, or Plate for the backe, of a chimney.

Contre-fil. à contre-fil. Contrariwise, cleane kamme, or against the haire.

Contrefinesse: f. Counter-cunning, deceiuing of the deceiuer; the meeting with as craftie a knaue as himselfe.

Contreflaté: m. ée: f. Whose flatterie is requited, or answered with flatterie.

Contreflater. To returne one faire word, or flatterie for another; to flatter as fast as another.

Contreflux: m. An ebbe, or ebbing; the fall, or going out, of a Tide; or a checke, or stop, vnto a Tide.

Contrefort. (in Architecture) a Buttresse, prop, or shore-*post; an vp-bearing arch, or pillar.

Contrefortuner. To arme against the iniuries of fortune; to make shift for one (howsoeuer the world goe.)

Contrefrontail: m. The brow-peece, or vpmost post, of a dore; a haunse, or breast summer.

Contregage: m. A counter-gage, or counter-pawne; (Que aucuns seigneurs ont pretendu, pour pouvoir de leur auctorité faire prinses, quand on leur avoit fait tort. ¶Ragueau.) Contre-garde: m. An vnder Warden, or counter-*warden. Contre-garde des monnoyes. An Officer of the Mint; who takes notice, and keepes a reckoning, of the mettall that is deliuered in to be coyned; and afterward ouersees the working thereof, together with the Warden, whose place he executes, (as the other his) in absence.

Contregardé: m. ée: f. Kept, saued, preserued, made much of, looked well vnto.

Contregarder. To keepe, saue, preserue, conserue, looke well to, make much of. Se contregarder. To reserue, spare, or forbeare himselfe; to take his ease.

Contrehastier: m. A Racke, to turne spits on.

Contrehaulte: f. as Haultecontre. Contr-'imiter. To resemble, imitate, counterfeit; or to imitate one that imitates him.

Contr-'invective: f. A counter-inuectiue; an answer to an inuectiue.

Contrejouëur: m. A counter-player; an aduersarie, or opponent, in play.

Contre-lettre: f. A counter-letter, or counter-maund; a retractation of a letter by letter; and particularly, a priuat release, or acquittance, in discharge of a Bond passed; or a priuat discharge of a dutie, or seruice acknowledged, before a publicke Notarie.
  Contre-lettre secrette. Notice giuen in writing from a buyer vnto a seller, of a priuat agreement made between them, contrarie to the tenor of the deed they haue passed before a Notarie; or, a priuat agreement made betweeee two that are contracted, without the knowledge, or consent of their kindred that were present

at the contract.

Contrelouër. To returne praise with praise, or a good word for a good word; to commend one that hath commended him before; to scratch the backe of one who hath alreadie clawed his elbow.

Contrelutté: m. ée: f. Wrastled, striuen, contended against.

Contrelutter. To wrastle, striue, contend against.

Contre-maistre: m. The Maisters mate in a ship.

Contremanche: f. A false sleeue, halfe sleeue, or, drawer ouer a sleeue.

Contremand: m. A countermaund; a reuocation, or contradiction of a former commaund.

Contremandé: m. ée: f. Countermaunded; contradicted.

Contremandement: m. A countermaund, or countermaunding.

Contremander. To countermaund; to recall, or contradict, a former commaund.

Contremarque: f. A countermarke.

Contremejane. The second mizen, or after-mizen, of a ship.

Contrementir. To set one ly against another.

Contremettre. To oppose; obiect, lay, set, or wage against.

Contremine: f. A countermine; a mine digged, by defendants, within a fortresse, to meet with another made by the enemie, without it.

Contreminé: m. ée: f. Countermined.

Contreminer. To countermine.

Contremont. Vpward; also, vp; as, Contremont l'eau. Vp the water, directly against the streame.

Contremonté: m. ée: f. Mounted, or got vp against.

Contremonter. To mount, or goe vp against.

Contremunir. To fortifie inner, or hinder parts, thereby to sustaine the outward, or forward, ones; also, to repaire suddainely suddaine ruines; as in a siege.

Contreoffrir. To change his offer; to offer otherwise then before; or, to make an offer contrarie to that he made before.

Contreouvrier: m. One that works against another.

Contrepan: m. A pledge, gage, or pawne, especially of an immoueable; (It is commonly the eight pennie of the worth of land, as it is rented) or as Hypotheque. Contrepané: m. ée: f. Pledged, pawned, engaged.

Contrepaner. To pledge, pawne, engage an immoueable; also, as Compenser. Contrepant. A gage; or counterpane; or as Contrepan. Contrepensé: m. ée: f. Disliked, or distrusted after liking, or trust; thought otherwise of then before.

Contrepenser. To thinke otherwise then he hath done; to dislike a thing which he hath affected, or distrust those whom he hath relyed on.

Contrepenseur: m. A counterthinker; one that thinks otherwise then, or contrarie to, that he hath done; one that changes, or doubts of, the conceit, or assurance hee hath had of a thing.

Contrepesant. Counterpeising; counteruailing.

Contrepesé. Counterpeised.

Contrepeser. To counterpeise; counteruaile, weigh in equall ballance. Mal poise qui ne contrepoise: Prov. He peiseth ill that counterpeiseth not; he vses not good lucke aright that thinkes not of, or prouides not for, ill lucke.

Contrepeter. To answer one cracke with another; also, to counterfeit, or play the counterfeit.