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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/248

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Couldre: f. A Hasell Nut, or small Nut, of what kind soeuer. Couldre franche. A Filberd.

Couldré. as Coudré. Couldrer. as Coudrer. Couldrier: m. A Hasell, or small Nut tree, of what kind soeuer.

Couldroir. as Coudroir. Coulé: m. ée: f. Runne, glid, gone, slipped gently along; slid, trilled, trickled downe; also, strained; also, leaked.

Coulée: f. as Coulement. Coulement: m. A gentle running, easie passing, soft gliding, glib sliding, (as of water, &c) along; a trilling, or trickling downe; also, a leaking; also, a straining.

Couler. To slide, slip, runne quietly along; to goe glib away; to flow gently, glide easily by; to trill, trickle, or fall downe softly; also, to leake; also, to straine. Se couler. To creepe through, or into; to crawle ouer. Le navire couloit à bas en pleine mer. Went, or sunke, downe to the bottome. Cette pluye fait couler les raisins. Makes them drop, or fall off.

Coule-sang: m. A certaine Viper, so called, because those that are bitten by her bleed to death.

Coulet: m. as Collet. Couletage. Droict de c. A pennie, or halfe-pennie toll collected, & taken, of all wares, or marchandise bought and sold.

Couleur: f. A colour, hue; dye; staine; also, a pretext, pretence, cloake, shew, shadow, for a matter.
  Couleur bastarde. A weake, pale, wan, decayed colour.
  Couleur de Cassidoine. A mingled colour betweene purple, and white; a Mallow colour.
  Couleur chargée. A deepe colour, in any kind.
  Couleur de ciel serein. A bright skie colour.
  Couleur d'enfer. as much as, Noir-brun enfumé.
  Couleur flamboyante. A flame colour.
  Couleur de fleur de pescher. A Peach colour.
  Couleur de gris violant. A whitish purple, or the Mallow-flower colour.
  Couleur de jaulne paille. Straw colour.
  Couleur incarnat. A Carnation, or Damaske-Rose, colour.
  Couleur d'Inde. A Painters browne Violet, made of the scumming of woad sodden with slaked lyme, or chalke, and mixed afterwards with a little Amydon.
  Couleur de Minime. A huswiues darke gray, or light soote colour, wherein there is an eye of gray.
  Couleur paillarde. The greene sicknesse; or, a pale, wan, bleake hue.
  Couleur pasle. A vaded, or vnperfect colour, such as that of Box wood is.
  Couleur pers. A Blue, or Watchet.
  Couleur perse. Skie-colour, Azure colour, a Blunket, or light blue.
  Couleur de poil de souris. A Mouse-dunne.
  Couleurs Rhetoriques. Phrases, conceits, figures, flourishes of Rhetoricke; ornaments of speech.
  Couleur de Roses seiches. The best darke Crimson, or Murrey.
  Couleur de Roy, was in old time, Purple; but now is the bright Tawnie, which wee also tearme, Colour de Roy.

  Couleur Turquine. A right blue, or Venice blue; the colour of the Turkie stone. Couleur de verd de mer. A sea-greene. Haulte couleur. A fierie red, or flame colour. Les pasles couleurs. The greene sicknesse. Les riches couleurs. The yellow Iaundise. Il en parle comme vn aveugle de couleurs. Hee speakes he knowes not what, nor of what; Seeke Aveugle. Couleurée: f. The weed Bryonie; or, as; Couleurée blanche. Bryonie, white Bryonie, the white Vine, Tettar-berrie. Couleurée noire. The wild Vine, blacke Bryonie, our Ladies Seale. Couleurée sauvage. Wild Bryonie, or the wild blacke Bryonie.

Coulevriner. as Couleuvriner. Couleuvre: f. An Adder.

Couleuvré: m. ée: f. Made after the fashion of an Adder.

Couleuvrée. Snakeweed, Oysterloit.

Couleuvreau: m. A yong Adder.

Couleuvrin: m. ine: f. Adderlike, of an Adder.

Couleuvrine: f. A Culuerin; the peece of ordnance called so.

Couleuvriner. To squat, lurke, ly close, or flat along; also, to glide wrigling along.

Coulier: m. See Collier. Coulis: m. A cullis, or broth of boiled meat strained; fit for a sicke, or weake bodie.

Coulis: m. isse: f. as Coulant; Gliding. Potage coulis. as Coulis. Vent coulis. The hurtfull, or vnwholesome wind, which blowes through a hole, creuise, or crannie.

Coulisse: f. A Portcullis; or any other doore, or thing, which, as a portcullis, falls, or slips, or is let, downe; also, a web in the eye. Coulisse d'un arbaleste. The hollow furrow wherein the arrow lyes; we call it, the gutter, or chace (of a crosse-bow.)

Coullebobes: f. The hearbe Alkakengie, or, the fruit thereof; Winter cherries.

Coullon. as Coulon. Couloir: m. A cullander, or strainer.

Couloir: m. ire: f. Cullender-like, belonging to a cullander, straining through it, as a cullander. Os couloir du nez. The head bone, or inner bone of the nose.

Couloire: f. as Couloir. A cullander.

Coulomb: m. A Doue, a Pigeon. Coulomb biset. A Stocke-doue, Queest, Culuer.

Coulombier: m. A Doue-cote, a Pigeonhouse.

Coulombin. Doue colour. See Colombin. Coulomne: f. as Colomne; a pillar. Coulon: m. A Doue, Pigeon, or Culuer. Coulon ramier. A Queest, Cowshot, Ringdoue, Stock-doue, Wood-culuer.

Coulouëre. as Couloire; also, a channell, gutter, or any such hollow, along which melted things are to runne, as Bell-mettall, from the furnace to the mould.

Coulouöir: m. A sliding blow.

Coulouré: m. ée: f. Coloured. See Coloré. Coulourer. To colour; shadow; make pretences.

Coulpable: com. Culpable, guiltie, offending, faultie, blame-worthie.

Coulpe: f. A fault, offence, trespasse, misdeed, or ill deed.
  Batre sa coulpe. To beat his breast for his faults.
