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inward, familiar, housall, acquainted with vs.

Addomestiquer. To tame, reclaime, make gentle, inward, familiar, housall; to acquaint with vs; to entertaine, or bring into our house.

Addonné: m. ée: f. Giuen, bent, affected, addicted, inclined, applied, deuoted vnto.

s'Addonner à. To giue, bend, addict, affect, apply, deuote, incline, render, yeeld himselfe vnto. Le lieu s'addonne ainsi; such is the nature, or qualitie of the place; for such purposes only it serues, or is fit. Selon que les choses s'addonnent. As our affaires succeed, as those matters come to passe; or, as those affaires, those matters permit, or come to purpose.

Addorsé. Indorced; or, set backe to backe; a tearme of Blason.

Addossé. as Adossé. Addouber. To dresse, patch, mend; to set fitly together; also, to arme at all points, or with all his peeces, for the fight.

Addoubeur: m. A dresser; patcher, mender. Addoubeur de mauvaises causes. A crafty Lawyer; one that prolongs ill causes by shifts, cauils, and delayes.

Addouci: m. ie: f. Sweetned; assuaged, mitigated, qualified, appeased, pacified; softened; smoothed.

Addoucir. To sweeten; smooth; assuage, temper, qualifie; appease, pacifie, mitigate; soften, mollifie.

Addoucissement: m. A sweetning; smoothing; softning; assuaging, tempering, qualifying; appeasing, pacifying.

Addouez homme à homme. Fastened, clasped, grappled; or, coaped, bustled, scuffled, together.

Addoulci; Addoulcir, &c, as Addouci, Addoucir, &c. s'Addressant. Directing, addressing; fashioning himself vnto; medling with.

Addresse. as Adresse. Addresser. Seeke Adresser. Adduire. To bring forth; or, to bring vnto.

Adebtz. A kind of Seigniorall dutie, within the iurisdiction of S. Omers. Adelantade: m. A Lord Deputie, President, or Lieutenant for a Prince in a countrey; (we commonly take it for, an Admirall.)

Adeneré. Prized, valued, set to sale for money; or for which money is made.

Adenerer. To prize, value, rate; to make money of, to set to sale for money.

Adenes. Little kernels in the mouth, or throat, and diseasing either of them.

Adenet. (The diminutiue of Adam) little Adam. Adent: m. A mortaise, notch, or indented hole in wood.

Adenté: m. ée: f. Mortaised; fastened, or ioyned by Mortaise. Adenté tout plat à bas. Fallen down flat on his face; layed groueling, lying on his teeth.

Adenter. To mortaise, to fasten or ioyne by Mortaise; to enchace one thing within another. Adenter vne eschelle à vn mur. To fasten; or settle a ladder vnto a wall, by the yron hookes which are at the top of it.

Ades. Presently, out of hand, by and by, incontinently, immediately.

Adeser. To touch, or handle slightly. ¶Picard. Adestre: com. Quicke, readie, nimble, actiue, agile; also, comely, gracefull, handsome in; able, fit, apt, for any thing he vndertakes.

Adestrer. To make fit, able, apt for; quicke, readie, nimble in; to instruct, teach, traine, or frame vnto; also, to

fit, adapt, accommodate; also, to accompanie, or follow the humor of.

Adevancer. To preuent, fore-stall, ouer-run; to goe, or get before one.

Adeuillé. as Adeullé. Adeullé: m. ée: f. Heauie, dolefull, sad, wofull, mournefull; in mournefull weeds, in mourning array.

s'Adeuloir. To be sad, heauie, dolefull; to mone, to mourne.

Adex. as Adeptz. Adextre. as Adestre. Adextrer. as Adestrer. Adfiliation. An adopting, an adoption.

Adfilié. Adopted.

Adfirmation. as Affirmation. Adglutinatif: m. iue: f. Glewie; clammie, cleauing, or sticking vnto euery thing; also, glewing.

Adglutinement. A glewing; a ioyning, closing, or fastening vnto, or together, as with glew.

Adglutiner. To glew; to ioyne, close, or fasten vnto, or together, with glew.

Adgression. Looke, Aggression. Adherant: m. An adherent, an accessarie, partener, or partaker.

Adherant: m. ante: f. Adhering, cleauing, or sticking fast vnto; also, partaking, siding, taking part with.

Adherdre. Seeke, Aherdre. Adherer. To adhere; cleaue, or sticke fast vnto; also, to side, or take part with.

Adheritance. A possession; a Liuerie and seisin.

Adherité. Inseisined, put into possession of.

Adheritement: m. A giuing possession, a making of Liuerie and seisin vnto.

Adheriter. To aduest, to put into possession, to giue possession vnto, to make Liuerie and seisin of an inheritance.

Adhesion: f. An adhering, cleauing, sticking fast vnto.

Adhorer. To come at a good houre, or in due season.

Adjancé: m. ée: f. Fitted, apted, adapted, adiusted; ordered; trimmed, decked; featly placed, handsomely ioyned, suteably matched together.

Adjancement: m. A fitting, apting, adapting, adiusting, accommodating; a comely trimming, dressing, or decking; a iust placing, handsome ioyning, suteable matching of things together; also, handsomenesse, aptnesse, agreeablenesse.

Adjancer. To fit, apt, adapt, adiust; accommodate; proportion, order, decke, trim; set fitly, ranke featly, ioyne finely, match duly, put handsomely together.

Adiante: m. Venus haire, maidens haire, our Ladies haire (an hearbe.)

Adjection: f. An adiection; an addition, or casting, vnto.

Adience. as Adiante. Adjoinct: m. An Adiunct; an Assistant, Associate, fellow, companion in a charge, commission, function, or office; also, a ioynt heire; and a iointenant; also, one that ioynes with another in a suit, or action.

Adjoinct: m. cte: f. Adioyned; knit, coupled, set, added, (also) neere, vnto; neere hand touching.

Adjoindre. To adioyne; set, adde, put, applie, or knit vnto; to couple, vnite, associate, match together.

Adjoint. as Adjoinct. Adjonction: f. An adiunction, addition, or ioyning vnto; also, a partaking with an accuser, or plaintife; also, an association in office, or charge.

Adjour: m. A Commission of Summons, or Adiurnement; also, the report, or the returne thereof, made by the Sergeant, or Summoner.