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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/265

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Cru: m. uë: f. Crude, raw, vnripe, ouer-new; imperfect, vnprepared; also, vnsauorie.

Cruauté: f. Crueltie, inhumanitie, fiercenesse, tyrannie, rigour, bloudthirstinesse.

Cruche: f. An earthen pot, pitcher, or steane; also (in old French) a stable. Telle terre telle cruche: Pro. Such stuffe, such work; such wit, such words; such affection, such actions; such discretion, such directions.

Cruché: m. eé: f. Hollow, or hollowed, as a pitcher; made like a pitcher.

Crucher. (quasi le mesme que, jucher; or) To crouch; also, to make hollow like a pitcher.

Crucheter. as Chucheter. Cruchette. A little pitcher.

Crucial: m. ale: f. Crosse-wise, crosse-like.

Crucié: m. ée: f. Tormented; vexed, grieued, afflicted.

Crucier. To torture, torment; vex, grieue, afflict.

Crucifié: m. ée: f. Crucified, nailed on the crosse.

Crucifier. To crucifie; to naile, or put to death on a crosse.

Crucifix: m. A Crucifix. Mangeur de crucifix. An hypocrite.

Crucifix: m. ixe: f. Crucified, put to death on the crosse.

Crucigeres: m. Crosse-bearers; or, an Order of Fryers which weare crosses on their habits.

Crud. as Cru. Crude, raw, vnripe; vnprepared.

Crudité: f. Cruditie; rawnesse, vnripenesse; indigestion.

Cruë. as Creuë. Cruel: m. elle: f. Cruell, fell, vngentle, fierce; tyrannous, rigorous, vnmercifull; bloudie, bloudthirstie, bloudie minded.

Cruelisé: m. ée: f. Vsed, or handled cruelly.

Cruellement. Cruelly, fiercely, bloudily, felly, rigorously, vnmercifully.

Cruëment. Rawly, barely, nakedly; also, rashly.

Cruente. le flux cr. The bloudie flix.

Crujon: m. Any round thing, as a mans skull, or braine panne.

Cruon. The skull, or braine panne; or, as Crujon. Crural: m. ale: f. Of, or belonging to the thighes. Muscle crural. as Cuissier. Veine crurale. A branch of the descendent trunke of the hollow veine; diuided into foure branches.

Crusol. as Cruzeul. Cruzeul. A Founders mould, wherinto the melted mettall is conueyed.

Cry. The motto, or deuice of an Embleme.

Cry. à cor & a cry. By proclamation; or, by hue and crie.

Cryptoportique. A secret walke, or vault vnder ground, or in some low place; a close low gallerie for coolenesse in Summer.

Crysolite. A pretious stone; as Chrysolite. Crystal: m. Crystall.

Crystalin. as Crystal. Crystalin: m. ine: f. Crystaline, of Crystall.

Cubaseau: m. The little Sea-nettle: ¶Bourdelois. Cube: m. A Cube; or, figure of Geometrie, foure square like a Die.

Cubebes: f. Cubebs; an Aromaticall, and Indian fruit.

Cubiculaire: m. A Groome of the Chamber.

Cubiculaire: com. Cubicular; belonging to the bed-*chamber.

Cubique: com. Square, or made square.

Cubital: m. ale: f. Cubitall; of, or belonging to the Cubite. Artere cubitale. Seeke Artere. Cucube. Herbe cuc. Garden Nightshade.

Cucurbite: f. A gourd.

Cucurbitin: m. ine: f. Of, or belonging to, gourds.

Cucuye. An admirable bird in Hispaniola (no bigger than a thombe) hauing two eyes in her head, and two vnder her wings (which are double, a greater and smaller paire) so shining in the night (wherein only she flies) that fiue or six of them tied together, giue as much light as a torch.

Cueillement: m. A gathering, reaping, picking vp; a culling, collecting, choice, or chusing out.

Cueiller: m. An oare.

Cueillette: f. A collection, a reaping, or gathering together. Bonne cueillette. Plentie of corne, and of all other fruits; a plentifull Autumne, or Haruest.

Cueilleur: m. A gatherer; a reaper; a picker, chuser, or culler. Mis en cuilleur de pommes. Turned into the habit of an Applesquire.

Cueilleure: f. A gathering; reaping; picking, culling, or chusing out.

Cueilli: m. ie: f. Gathered, reaped, picked vp; chosen, culled, collected out.

Cueillier. The fowle tearmed a Shoueler; also, as Cuillier, a spoone; and hence the Prouerbe; Entre la bouche & la cueillier souvent advient grand destourbier. Much may happen betweene the cup and the lip.

Cueillir. To gather; to reape; to picke vp; to cull, collect, or chuse out.

Cuens. An Earle, or Count. (v.m.) Cueur: m. The heart; See Coeur. Cueurs. The heart-resembling Cherries, called French Cherries, or Spanish Cherrie.

Cueut: f. A whetstone.

Cueux de plomb. A Sow of Lead.

Cuferin: m. A running at the Nose got by a Horse after an ouer-long course, or gallop, whereby the Veines of his Braine are opened so wide, that they are hardly, or not in a small time, closed againe.

Cuict: m. icte: f. Sodden; baked; concocted, disgested, ripe ynough; fit to be eaten. Bois cuict. Charcoale. Matiere cuicte. (Sometimes vsed for) Matiere fecale. Miel cuict. A kind of pancake made of, or seasoned with, honie. Teste mal cuict. An vnstaied, or greene, head.

Cuidance: f. Thought, weening, imagination, supposition, presumption. Orgueilleuse semblance monstre folle cuidance: Prov. Looke Semblance. Cuidant. Thinking, weening, supposing, imagining, deeming; presuming.

Cuidé. Thought, weened, imagined, supposed, deemed; presumed.

Cuider: m. A thought, conceit, ghesse, weening, imagination, opinion, supposition, presumption. Cuider n'est pas iuste mesure: Prov. Imagination is no iust measurer.

Cuider. To thinke, weene, deeme, imagine, suppose, presume, haue an opinion of, make a ghesse at.