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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/272

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Dassez. Fully, enough.

Dataire: m. A dater of writings; and (more particularly) the dater, or dispatcher of the Popes Bulls; an ordinarie Officer in the Court of Rome.

Date: m. Pisse, vrine, lant.

Date de lettres: f. The date of Letters, or Euidences. Mis en date. Brought into date, or into reckoning; come in request. Mis en date de. Set in the ranke, or number of.

Daté: m. ée: f. Dated, as a letter &c.

Dater. To date a writing; also to pisse. ¶Normand.) Datif: m. iue: f. Datiue; giuing; of power to giue. Quint datif. See Quint. Datil. A Date.

Dation: f. A gift, or giuing.

Datte. as Dacte. A Date.

Dattier: m. The Palme, or Date tree.

Davantage. See Dadvantage. Davanture. Peraduenture, by chance, perhaps.

Daubé. as Dobé. Dauber. To beat, swindge, lamme, canuasse throughly.

Davesnes. Horse-plums.

Daugier. Droict de tiers, & daugier. Looke Danger. Davier de barbier. The Pinser wherewith he drawes, or puls out, teeth.

Davier d'un pelican: m. A certaine instrument to picke a locke withall; an yron hooke, or crampiron for that purpose.

Daulphin. as Dauphin. A Dolphin. Daulphin de France. The Dolphin, or eldest sonne of France; called so of Daulphine, a Prouince giuen, or (as some report it) sold, in the yeare 1349, by Humbert Earle thereof to Philippe de Valois; partly on condition, that for euer the French Kings eldest sonne should hold it (during his fathers life) of the Empire.

Davoines. A kind of Plummes; or, as Davesnes. Dauphin: m. The fish called, a Dolphin; Looke Daulphin. Fort comme vn dauphin en terre: Prov. Most weake, most feeble, without force; (for a Dolphin dies as soone as he is out of the water.)

Daurade: f. The fish tearmed a Guilt-head; also, as Dorée. Daurée. as Dorée. Dausse d'ail. A cloue of Garlicke.

Daussé: m. ée: f. Cloued; diuided into seuerall parts, or cloues, as a head of Garlicke.

Se Dausser. To be diuided in seuerall parts, or cloues, like a head of Garlicke.

Daymon. Looke Demon.

Day: m. as Ders.

Dé: m. A Dye.
  Dé à couldre. A thimble.
  Les dez luy disent fort bien. The dice are verie fauourable to him; or, hee hath passing good lucke at dice.
  Le dé soit ietté. Put the matter in hazard; set all on six and seuen; it can be but an ill cast; whatsoeuer it be let's venture on it.
  Les dez sont desia iettez. The worst is past; or, the action is alreadie begun, the matter alreadie determined; we must now stand to it, or abide the brunt of it.
  Les dez ne me veulent. The dice crosse me, or runne not as I would haue them.

  Sans flatter le dé. Roundly, plainly, truly, without soothing, smoothing, or making things better then indeed they be. Les graces du Lombard sont trois dez sur table: Pro. See Lombard. De. Sometimes signifies, of, (the note of the Genitiue case) as Le chappeau de Iaques; le chaulme de l'avoine; Sometimes (a Preposition) it signifies from; as, Ie viens de Paris; Sometimes, in, or at; as, de mon temps, de ce temps là; and sometimes, by; as, Nul si beau don fut onques donné de prince; la sentence, ou iugement donné de nous, &c. De. Sometimes giues Nownes an Aduerbiall signification; as; Il vit de reigle; Il court de vistesse, &c; He liues regularly, runnes swiftly. D'icy à vn an. Till this time tweluemonth; also, a yeare hence. De par Dieu soit. In the name of God be it; God prosper it, or send it well to speed. De par luy bon Dieu. In the name of God; or, for Gods sake. ¶Lymosin. De par moy; &, De par le Roy. Looke Par. De partie à partie. Betweene partie and partie.

Deâ. An Interiection, as, Dâ; ouy deâ; Yes truely, verily, without doubt; also, a tearme of expostulation; as, deâ, qui vous mouvoit? Why, or, good God, what reason had you? or, what a Gods name mooued you?

Dealbatoire: com. Whiting, whitening, making white.

Deambulatif. as Ambulatif. Deambulatoire: com. Oft remouing, euer going, neuer resting; or, remooueable, or changeable from place to place. Iusticé deambulatoire. Iustice administred in circuits.

Debaccher. To raue, rage, rayle, take on like a drunken man.

Debagoulé: m. ée: f. as Desbagoulé; also, mumbled, or muttered. Debagouler. as Desbagouler; also, to mumble, or mutter. Debail: m. A Gardien, Tutor, Gouernour; as the husband is (or should be) of his wife. ¶Boullenois. Debaquer. as Debaccher. Debardeur: m. A Lighter-man; a Porter that belongs to a Ship, or Lighter, for the vnlading thereof.

Debarrassé: m. ée: f. Disintangled, rid from.

Debarrasser. To loosen, disintangle, rid from.

Debasté. Vnsadled, rid of his pack-sadle, as an Asse after his worke done. On y va comme asnes debastez. Looke Asne. Debaster. To take off the Pack-saddle from an Asse, &c.

Debat: m. Strife, debate, variance, contention, difference, disagreement; iarring, altercation, dispute, controuersie, brabling, wrangling. Ronde table oste le debat: Pro. The reason followes; Chascun estant aupres du plat. Debatable: com. Disputeable, debateable, subiect to opposition.

Debatement: m. A debating; or, as Debattement. Debateur: m. A debater, arguer, disputer, contender.

Debatis: m. The bating, or vnquiet fluttering of a Hauke.