Desaparier. To vnmatch, vnpaire, vncouple; to diuide, sunder, or seperate mates, fellowes, couples.
Desapetissance: f. A distast, or loathing of meats.
Desapetissé: m. ée: f. Distasted, loathed, as meat.
Desapetisser. To distast, marre the stomacke; take away the appetite; to breed a dislike, or loathing, of meats.
Desapointé: m. ée: f. Disappointed, frustrated; also, remooued, or put from an office, estate, or authoritie.
Desapointer. To diappoint, or frustrate; also, to remoue, or put from an office, or estate; to depriue, or bereaue of authoritie; also, to wry the leuell, put by the aime of.
Desappetit: m. Want of appetite; an ill, or no stomacke vnto a thing; a queasinesse, or disgust of stomacke.
Desapprendre. To vnlearne, or learne anew, or otherwise than before; also, to leaue a fashion vsed, or forget what hath beene learned.
Desapresent. Fom this verie instant; See Des. Desarboré: m. ée: f. Let, or strucke downe; as the mast of a ship.
Desarborer. To let, or strike, downe the mast of a ship.
Desarçonné: m. ée: f. Dismounted, vnhorsed, cast out of the saddle.
Desarçonner. To vnhorse, dismount; throw ouer, set beside, cast out of the saddle.
Desarester. To take the bones out of fish.
Desargenté: m. ée: f. Vnsiluered, without siluer, cleane out of siluer.
Desarmé. Disarmed, depriued of armes.
Desarmement: m. A disarming, a depriuing of Armes.
Desarmer. To disarme; to depriue of armour; bereaue of weapons. Se desarmer. To vnarme himselfe; to put off his arms, lay downe his weapons.
Desarnaché: m. ée: f. Vnharnessed; whose harnesse, or furniture is taken off.
Desarnacher vn cheval. To vnharnesse a horse, to take off his harnesse, or furniture.
Desarrengé: m. ée: f. Disordered, vnranked, disarrayed.
Desarrengement: m. An vnranking, disordering, disarraying.
Desarrenger. To vnranke, disorder, disarray.
Desarresser. To make fall a standing yard; to coole, or take downe the courage of.
Desarroy: m. Disorder, confusion, disarray; spoyle, hauocke, hurly-burly; also, a rout, ouerthrow, discomfiture, as of an armie. En desarroy. Pel-mell, confusedly, out of array, cleane without order; also, in rout.
Desarroyé: m. ée: f. Disordered, disarrayed; put into rout; confounded, discomfited.
Desarroyer. To disorder, disarray, confound, marre the order, or fashion of; also, to discomfit, ouerthrow, or put to rout, an armie, &c.
Desassemblé: m. ée: f. Disassembled, disioyned, parted, diuided, seperated, disunited; dispersed, scattered.
Desassembler. To disassemble, disioyne, disunite, part, or take in peeces; to seperate, scatter, disperse, disassociate, dissipate. Ce qu'assemble pille pille desassemble tire tire: Prov. That which prowling gathers prodigalitie scatters.
Desasseuré: m. ée: f. Disassured; put in feare, brought into doubt; made vnsetled, vncertaine, vnsteadie; made to stagger.
Desassurer. To disassure; to put in feare, or bring into doubt, one that was well resolued; to make vnsetled, vnassured, vnsteadie, what formerly was stayed.
Desassiegé: m. ée: f. Deliuered from siege.
Desassieger. To raise a siege; to deliuer from a siege.
Desassocié: m. ée: f. Disassociated; seperated, parted from the companie of.
Desassocier. To disassociate, breake companie, dissolue societie, seperate, or part, friends.
Desastre: m. A distaster, misfortune, calamitie, misadventure, hard chance.
Desastré: m. ée: f. Disasterous, vnfortunate; vnhappie.
Desatteler. as Desteler. Desattisé: m. ée: f. Quenched, slaked, put out, as a kindled firebrand.
Desattiser. To quench, put out, or slake a (kindled) fire, or firebrand.
Desavancé: m. ée: f. Hindered, impeached, kept back, driuen backeward.
Desavancer. To hinder, cast backward, keepe or driue backe; impeach the proceedings of.
Desavantage: m. Disaduantage, hinderance, damage, losse.
Desavantagé: m. ée: f. Disaduantaged; incommodated, indammaged, hindered.
Desavantager. To disaduantage, hinder, displeasure, incommodate, indammage, impeach.
Desaubé: m. ée: f. Off the hinges, out of reparations; torne, ragged, tattered, all in peeces: ¶Blesien. Desaventureux: m. euse: f. Vnhappie, vnfortunate.
Desaugmenter. To disaugment, wane, diminish, decrease, wast, grow lesse and lesse.
Desavié: m. ée: f. Starued; or, bereft of life.
Desavier. To bereaue of life; to starue, murder, kill.
Desavoüé: m. ée: f. Disaduowed, disallowed; renounced, disclaimed, refused.
Desavouër. To disaduow, disallow; refuse, renounce; disclaime.
Desbagager. To packe, or trusse vp his bag and bagage.
Desbagoulé. crin desbagoulé. Ruffled, staring, or disordered haire. Morceau desbagoulé. A morsell chawed, and put out of the mouth againe.
Desbagouler. To ruffle, or disorder; also, to spue, or put out of the mouth a morsell halfe chawed.
Desballé: m. ée: f. Vnpacked; vntrussed.
Desballer. To vnpacke, or vntrusse; to vndoe a packe, or trusse.
Desbandade: f. A disbanding; a cassing of whole troups, or companies of souldiours; also, as Debendade. Desbandage: m. A disbanding; an vnbending.
Desbandé: m. ée: f. Disbanded; vnbent; vnbound; loosse; carelesse; dispersed, scattered.
Desbandée. à la desbandée. Out of their ranks, out of order, out of array.
Desbander. To loossen, vnbind, vnbend; also, to casse, disband; scatter, disperse. Se desbander. To disband; leaue his ranke; forsake his Companie, or Colours. Desbander l'arc ne guerist pas la playe: Prov. The bowes vnbending heales no wound it made; the disusing of a mischieuous instrument is no amends for the hurt it hath done.
Desbaraté: m. ée: f. Disordered, out of order.
Desbarbouillé: m. ée: f. Cleansed, rid of spots.