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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/29

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Adulatoire: com. Adulatorie, belonging to flatterie, full of cogging.

Adulte: com. Growne to full age; adultus, past breeching.

Adultere: m. An adulterer; also, adulterie.

Adulterer. To commit adulterie, to play the adulterer, to adulterize it; also, to adulterate, viciate, corrupt.

Advocassé: m. ée: f. Pleaded for.

Advoscasseau: m. A Petti-fogger; a simple, or poore-spirited Aduocat, or Councellor at Law.

Advocasser. To play the Aduocate, to plead, or argue, for.

Advocasserie: f. A pleading, or playing of the Aduocate.

Advocat: m. An Aduocate, or Counsellor at Law. Disner d'advocat. A large dinner (eaten, not bestowed.) Tousiours ouvert, comme la gibbeciere d'un advocat. Sayed of any thing that is alwaies open, and apt to receiue. A l'advocat le pied en main: Prov. ascauoir, de perdris, faisans, chappons &c; to grease his fist withall. Bon advocat mauvais Voisin: Pro. a good Lawyer an euill neighbour. De ieune advocat heritage perdu: Pro. The young (or vnexperienced) Lawyer hazards what he pleads for. Longuement proceder est à l'advocat vendenger: Pro. Long suits are Lawyers haruests.

Advocatie: f. An Aduocateship; the dutie, or place, of an Aduocate; also, the countenance, assistance, or support of a great person in a suit.

Advoerie: f. as Advoeson. Advoeson: f. Gard, protection, defence, charge, ouersight of; an answering, or vndertaking for, another.

Advoison: f. The same.

Advolé: m. ée: f. Fled vnto; run quickly towards.

Advolée: f. A flight, or flying vnto; also, a place to light on after flying.

Advolement: m. A flying vnto; a swift, or quick running towards.

Advoler. To flie vnto, run speedily to, come apace towards.

Advouäison: f. An aduowing, auouching; a taking into protection; an answering, or vndertaking for; an ouersight, or charge of.

Advouäteur: m. An aduower, auoucher; answerer, vndertaker for; also, one that acknowledges, and challenges his beast, taken dammage-fesant.

Advoué: m. An adopted child; also, a Patron, Guardian, Protector; a defender of, or chiefe dealer for, a Church, Prouince, Towne, &c; also, an Atturney, or one that in Court vndertakes, or answeres, for a Clergie man, widow, priuiledged citizen, &c; also, one that answeres, as champion, a publicke challenge for another.

Advoué: m. ée: f. Aduowed, auouched; approoued, allowed of; warranted, authorized, taken into protection; answered, or vndertaken for.

Advouër. To aduow, auouch; approoue, allow of; warrant, authorize; defend, protect; vndertake, answer for; owne; acknowledge, confesse to be, take as, or for, his owne.
  Advouër l'espave. To own, & claime, a waife, or stray.
  Advouër vne rente en son fief: To acknowledge, and yeeld a rent out of his inheritance.
  Ie vous advoue en cela. I approoue your carriage,

or proceeding in that; or, I will beare you out in it.

Advouerie: f. Adoption; also, the defence, patronage, protection of; vndertaking, or answering for; ouersight, or charge ouer, another.

Advourie. The same.

Advoyer. A principall Ouerseer, Aduocate, Agent, Patron, or Protector of; vndertaker for, &c; as Advoué. Aduré: m. ée: f. Hardened, stiffened, enured vnto.

Adurer. To harden, stiffen, make strong, enure vnto.

Aduste: com. Adust; parched, burned, rosted, or tosted (in the Sunne.)

Adustible: com. Adustible; burneable, wasteable, parcheable.

Adustion: f. An adustion, burning, parching, rosting, or tosting (in the Sunne, &c.)

Aeditue: m. A Church-warden, or Sexton; the Officer who is to looke vnto a Church, and the Church goods.

Aele. A wing; Seeke Aile. s'Aeler. To be winged; or to get wings.

Aemorrhoïde. A kind of serpent, by which he thats bitten, bleeds to death; also, the Hemrods, or Piles in the fundament.

Aeré: m. ée: f. Ayrie, of ayre; also, aired.

Aereux: m. euse: f. Ayrie, full of ayre.

Aerien: m. enne: f. Ayrie, of ayre; also, of, or belonging vnto, Brasse.

Aerin. as Airain. Aerolle: f. A blister, or wheale.

Aeromantie. Diuination by the ayre.

Aerugineux: m. euse: f. Full of, or, like vnto, Verdigrease. Cholere aerugineuse. Looke, Cholere. Afaire. as Affaire. Afaner. To get hardly, or with much toyle; to take exceeding paines for, to sigh in the laborious getting of.

Affabilité: f. Affabilitie; a kind fashion of speaking to, a gentle garbe in hearing of, others.

Affable: com. Affable; gentle, courteous, gracious, in words, of a friendly conuersation, easily spoken to by, willingly giuing eare to, others.

Affablement. Affably; gently, graciously, courteously (in speech, or conuersation.)

Affaçonner. Looke Affassonner. Affadi: m. ie: f. Made or growne vnsauorie, tastlesse, wallowish, waterish; weake; witlesse.

Affadir. To make or grow tastlesse, wallowish, waterish; weake; vnsauorie; witlesse.

Affadissant. Making wallowish, growing tastlesse, yeelding an vnsauorie, weake, or waterish tast.

Affadissement: m. Wallowishnesse, vnsauorinesse, tastlesnesse; weakenesse of sauor, waterishnesse of tast.

Affaicté: m. ée: f. Trimmed, tricked, decked, curiously dressed; refined; reclaimed, ciuillized; made inward, or gentle; tamed; throughly manned.

Affaicter. To trim, tricke, decke, dresse curiously, make neat, spruce, fine; to refine; also, to tame, reclaime, breake, make gentle, bring to ciuilitie. Affaicter vn oiseau. To man a hauke throughly.

Affaicterie: f. A trimming, tricking, decking, neat, quaint, or fine dressing; also, neatnesse, nicenesse, curiositie, quaintnesse; also, a breaking, taming, reclayming, ciuilizing, making gentle; (hence) also, the through manning of a hauke, &c.

Affaire: m. An affaire, businesse, imployment; worke, matter, somewhat to doe; also, a labour, trouble; charge.