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Affeublage: m. Looke Affublage. Affeubler. Looke Affubler. Affeurage: m. as Afforage; also, a rating, or setting of a price on things. Affeurer. To rate, value at a certaine rate, set a certain price on; Looke Afforer. Affeurré. Foddered, (with straw.)

Affeurrer. To fodder (with straw.)

Affiche: f. A Siquis; a bill set vp; or pasted, or fastened, on a post, doore, gate, &c.

Affiché: m. eé: f. Fastened vpon, fixed, or affixed vnto; also, caught, or laid fast hold on; also, performed or made good.

Affichement: m. A fastning; a fixing, or affixing vnto; also, a catching, or laying fast hold on; also, a making good of a promise, or word.

Afficher. To fasten vpon; to fix, to affix vnto, also, to seize, catch, or lay fast hold on; also, to make good a promise, or word.

Afficter. To annex, or giue, for a time.

Affidé: m. eé: f. Ingaged; that hath past his faithfull promise; that hath pawned his faith, and credit.

Affié: m. eé: f. Assured, affied, confirmed, affirmed; also, planted, set, or graffed; affixed, fastened. Tous mes biens te sont affiez par droit; All my goods belong, or are assigned, to thee by right; they be all tyed on thee.

Affiement. An assuring, affirming, confirming; also, a setting, planting, graffing; affixing, fastening.

Affier. To affie, assure, affirme on his word; to pawne his faith, and credit on; also, to strengthen, or confirme; also, to plant, set, or graffe; affix, fasten.

Affiert. (A Verbe Impersonall) it becommeth, or beseemeth; also, it concerneth, or belongeth to.

Affieux: m. A good fellow, a boone companion.

Affilé: m. eé: f. Sharpened, whetted, that hath an edge set on it; also, decked, dressed, or stiffened with wire.

Affilement: m. A whetting, sharpening, or setting of an edge on; also, a dressing, or stiffening with wire.

Affiler. To whet, sharpen, set an edge on; also, to decke, dresse, or stiffen with wire.

Affileur: m. A whetter, or sharpener of edg'd tooles.

Affileure: f. as Affilement; Also, the edge, or sharpenesse of a toole. Affiliant: m. An adopter.

Affiliation: f. Adoption; or an adopting.

Affilié: m. eé: f. Adopted.

Affilier. To adopt.

Affiloire: m. A whetstone.

Affin: m. A kinsman, or Ally; one with whom affinitie is had, or contracted.

Affin. Aduerb: That, to end that.

Affinage: m. A fining; or a refining, of mettals.

Affiné: m. eé: f. Deceiued, cosened, beguiled; also, brought vnto an end; also, fined, purified, refined.

Affinement. A cousening, deceiuing, beguiling; also, a fining of mettals.

Affiner. To cousen, deceiue, beguile; also, bring to end, or effect; also, to refine, or fine, as mettals; to purifie, or improue them (c'est rendre haut, & fin l'Or, &c. qui est bas, selon le tiltre qu'il faut; sayes a French man.)

Affineur. A deceiuer, beguiler, cousener; also, a refiner, or finer of mettals; a purifier, or improuer of them.

Affinité: f. Affinitie; kindred, allyance; neerenesse.

Affiniter. To ally; to make of affinitie, or kindred, with;

Affinoire: m. A fining house; the roome, shop, or place, wherein gold, or siluer is vsually fined.

Affiquet: m. Any prettie toy, trinket, or trifle of small value; as a little brooche, flower, button, aglet, &c, stucke on the hat, head, hood, or elsewhere; and worne (especially by a woman) for ornament.

Affirmateur. An affirmer, soother, auoucher, ascertainer, auower.

Affirmation. An affirmation, asseueration, assertion, ascertaining.

Affirmé: m. eé: f. Affirmed; auouched, soothed, auowed; assured, ascertained, stood vnto.

Affirmer. To affirme, sooth, auouch, auow; assure, ascertaine, stand vnto.

s'Afflaquir. To wax flaggie, limber, feeble; to become loose ioynted; to faint.

Afflat: m. A blast, breath, wind, inspiration, blowing in.

Afflater. To flatter, blandish; allure, or intice with faire speeches; to cog, or glose with, to fawne on.

Affleurir l'eau. To go close by the water, as the lee-side of ships in a strong side-wind; Seeke Effleurer. Afflictif: m. iue: f. Afflictiue, grieuing, molesting, tormenting. Peines afflictiues de corps. corporall punishments.

Affliction. Affliction, molestation, calamitie, crosses, vexation, trouble, woe, persecution.

Affligé: m. eé: f. Afflicted, vexed, tormented; exceeding much grieued, molested, troubled.

Affliger. To afflict, vex, torment, molest, grieue, trouble, exceeding much.

Affloüi: m. ie: f. Blurred, blunted; and hence; Diamant affloüi. That hath lost it point.

Affloüir. To blurre; also, to blunt.

Affluence: f. Affluence, plentie, store, flowing, fullnesse, aboundance.

Afflux: m. An afflux, or affluence; plentifull accesse; or, as Affluence. Affoiblement. as Affoiblissement. Affoibli: m. ie: f. Weakened, enfeebled; decayed in strength; also, allayed, delayed, or abated, as the value of coine.

Affoiblir. To weaken, enfeeble, make infirme, depriue of strength, take away the force, or vigour of; also to delay, allay, or abate the value of coine.

Affoiblissement: m. A weakening, enfeebling, depriuing of force, power, strength; also, an allaying, or abating of the value of coine.

Affoisonnement: m. An increase, or increasing of store.

Affolé: m. eé: f. Foyled, bruised, wounded, sore hurt; spoiled; vndone, ruined; also, gulled, or besotted. Affolé d'une iambe, d'un pied, &c.; Lame, or maymed of a leg, foot.

Affolement: m. A foyling, bruising, wounding (by strokes;) also, a spoyling, ruining, vndoing; also, a gulling, besotting, befooling.

Affoler. To foyle, wound, bruise, or hurt sore with blows; also, to spoyle, ruine, vndoe; also, to besot, gull, befoole.

Affolure: f. A foyle, bruise, wound, sore hurt; a spoyling, ruining, vndoing; an extreame impression, or aggrieuance.

Affoncer. To thrust farre, or deep, into, &c. as Enfonser. Affondé: m. eé: f. Sunke down to the bottome, or lying (as a heauie thing) at the bottome, of.

Affonder: ou; s'Affonder. To sinke, fall, or go downe to the bottome; as, a heauie thing, thats cast into the water.

Affor: m. A piercing, or broaching of wine, &c.