(vpon Cæsar) denies th' one, and Gesner dislikes th' other.) Elocher. To loossen, or make loosse; Looke Eslocher. Elocquer. To shake off; (a word properly vsed of things that are firmely ioyned together.)
Eloise: f. A lightning; also, (metaphorically) a little space of time.
Elope. as Elopien; Also, a kind of Sea-fish whose finnes are turned towards her head; shee liues in the deepe Pamphilian sea; when she is taken, (which is but seldome) the fishers crowne themselues with garlands, and bring her to shore with ioyfull applauses, & sound of pipes, hoping they shall haue good lucke for a long time after.
Elopien. A kind of harmelesse Serpent.
Eloquence: f. Eloquence; gracefull speaking, sweet vtterance; tearmes choicely sorted, readily deliuered.
Eloquent. Eloquent, well-spoken, of a sweet deliuerie; whose words are choice, vtterance gracefull, speech most plausible.
Elourdé: m. ée: f. Dulled, amazed, astonished.
Elourder. To dull; dall, amaze, astonish.
Eloyse. as Eloise. Elucidation. An elucidation; a cleere manifestation, or exposition; an outward shining.
Elucidé: m. ée: f. Cleered, manifested, made bright, euident, apparant; expressed, expounded.
Elucider. To cleere, manifest, make bright, or perspicuous; to expound, or expresse; also, to shine outward.
Elue. The wild Pine tree.
Emaceration: f. An emaceration; leanenesse, or falling away in flesh; or, as Emaciation. Emaciation: f. A pulling downe, or making leane; a falling away in flesh.
Emacie: f. Leannesse.
Emacié: m. ée: f. Made, or growne, leane.
Email: m. Amell, or Enamell.
Emaillé: m. ée: f. Enamelled.
Emailler. To enamell.
Emaillure: f. An enamelling, or worke enamelled.
Emanation: f. An issuing, or comming forth; also, a publication of.
Emancipé: m. ée: f. Affranchised, made free, set at libertie; also, alienated, made away, put ouer to another.
Emanciper. To affranchise, dismiße, make free, set at libertie; also, to alienate, passe away, make euer an interest, or possession.
Emané: m. ée: f. Proceeded, issued, flowed, or come out from; also, published, divulged, spred abroad.
Emaner. To proceed, issue, flow, or come out from; also, to publish, divulgue, spread abroad.
Emant: m. The Adamant, or Loadstone.
Emantellement. A mantle; also, a bemantling, or couering, as with a mantle.
Emanuër. as Emanciper; Or, to manumit.
Emargé: m. ée: f. Noted, or quoted in the Margent.
Ematite: f. The Bloud-stone.
Embabillé. vn courtisan bien em. Well-spoken; that hath tongue at will, or that wants no Babil. Embabionné. as Embabouïné. Embabouïné: m. ée: f. Gulled, deceiued, besotted, made a child of, brought into a fooles Paradise.
Embabouïner. To deceiue, gull, ride, bring into a fools Paradise; to giue sucke vnto; to vse like a child.
S'Embabouïner. To besot, or deceiue himselfe; to
bring himselfe into a fooles Paradise; also, to be medling with matters he hath little skill in; or foolishly to wind himselfe into a businesse which he is not able to get well out of.
S'Embadurnoser. To annoint himselfe.
Embagué: m. ée: f. Beiewelled; furnished, inriched, bedecked, with Jewels.
Embaguer. To furnish, inrich, or decke with Jewels.
Embaillonné: m. ée: f. Gagged, begagged.
Embaillonner. To gag, begag.
Embaler, &c. as Emballer, &c. Emballage: m. The packing vp of ware, or marchandise.
Emballé: m. ée: f. Packed vp, made vp in packes.
Emballer. To packe vp, to make vp in packes. Emballer quelqu'un d'un trouffeau. To play one a fine tricke; to serue one a prettie touch.
Emballeur: m. A packer vp of wares.
Embaras, &c; as Embarras, &c. Embarbouillé: m. ée: f. Berayed, besmeared, bemired, bespotted, begrimed.
Embarbouiller. To beray, besmeare, bespot, begrime.
Embarqué: m. ée: f. Imbarked, imbargued, shipped, put or got a shipboord.
Embarquement: m. An imbarking, taking ship, going a shipboord, putting into a ship; also, an imbarguing.
Embarquer. To imbarke, ship, get or put on shipboord; also, to imbargue; to furnish, or imploy shipping. S'embarquer. To take ship, or go on shipboord. S'embarquer en vn entreprise. To vndertake, enter into, or ingage himselfe in, an action; to make one. S'embarquer sans biscuit. To vndertake an enterprise without helpes to begin, or meanes to follow, it.
Embarras: m. A pesterment, intricacie, perplexitie, confusion, garboile, trouble.
Embarassé: m. ée: f. Pestered, intricated, intangled, perplexed, troubled.
Embarassement. as Embarras; Or, a pestering, intangling, intricating, perplexing, troubling.
Embarasser. To intricate, pester, intangle, perplex, confound, comber, trouble.
Embarasseur: m. An intricator, pesterer, comberer.
Embarré. Heaume embarré. Sore bruised, beaten in, or fastened to, the head with blowes.
Embarrer. To rayle, or set barres on; also, to crush, bruise, ding, or beat inward. Embarrer son espée en vn Arbre. To fasten his sword in a tree.
Embarrure: f. A bruising, dinging, or beating inward.
Embas. Below, or beneath. Trape d'embas. Looke Trape. Vent d'embas. The Westerne wind.
Embaser. To giue a Basis, or bottome vnto; also, to ground, make a Basis, haue a bottome; end at the Bosis, or bottome.
Embasmé: m. ée: f. Imbalmed; annointed, or dressed with Baulme.
Embasmer. To imbaulme; to dresse, or annoint all ouer with Baulme.
Embassade: f. An embassage, or message; also, an Embassador accompanied with his ordinarie traine; as, Voila l'embassade de tel Royaume. Embassadeur: m. An Embassadour; a (publicke) messenger.
Embassement. Looke Soubassement.
Embasté: m. ée: f. Sadled with a packesaddle; also,