Encorner. To haft, nocke, tip, or trim, with hornes; also, as Encorneter; also, to put into the horned nocke of.
Encorneté: m. ée: f. Incornetted; put into a horne; wrapped vp, as spice, &c, in a cornet, or coffin.
Encorneter. To put into a horne; also, to wrap vp in a cornet, or Grocers Coffin, spice, &c.
Encornure: f. A hafting, tipping, or trimming with horne; also, the hornes, or horned head, of a beast.
Encorny. Lieu encorny. A place thats hard (and smooth) as horne; or, as Pelouse. Encoronné: m. ée: f. Crowned.
Encoronner. To crowne; to decke, or adorne with a crowne.
Encotonné: m. ée: f. Bumbasted, or stuffed with cotton.
Encotonner. To bumbast, to stuffe with cotton. Encotonner de barbe le menton. To furnish the chin with soft, and tender haire; to make it bud, shoot, or put out abundantly.
Encoüardé: m. ée: f. Made cowardlie, bereaued of courage.
Encoüarder. To make a coward, bereaue of courage.
Encoüardi: m. ie: f. Growne cowardlie, become dastardlie, faint-hearted, white-liuered.
Encoüardir. To wax a coward, proue a dastard, become faint-hearted, grow white-liuered.
Encouleure. as Encoleure. Encoulpé: m. ée: f. Accused, or blamed for.
Encoulper. To appeach, accuse, blame for, lay the fault, cast the imputation, of a matter on.
Encoulpeur: m. An accuser, appeacher, promooter, informer.
Encoultré: m. ée: f. Furnished with a culter.
Encoultrer. To furnish (a Plough) with a culter.
Encouragé: m. ée: f. Incouraged, heartened, imboldened.
Encouragement: m. A heartening, imboldening, incouraging, incouragement.
Encourager. To hearten, imbolden, incourage; to put mettall into, giue stomacke vnto.
Encourement. A punishment, or penaltie incurred.
Encourir. To incurre; to runne, or fall into; to get, or procure vnto himselfe; to vndergoe a danger, disgrace, penaltie, &c.
Encourrayé: m. ée: f. Bound, or furnished with leatherne thongs.
Encourrayer. To bind, or furnish, with leatherne thongs.
Encourtiné: m. ée: f. Becurtained; ouer which a curtaine is drawne; couered or hanged with, shadowed by, hidden behind, a curtaine.
Encourtiner. To becurtaine; to draw a curtaine ouer; to couer or hang with, to shadow by, to hide behind, a curtaine.
Encouru: m. uë: f. Incurred, runne into.
Encoutelassé: m. ée: f. Armed with a short sword, or cuttleas.
Encoutelasser. To furnish, or arme with a curtleax, or cuttleas.
Encrassé: m. ée: f. Bedawbed, begrymed, begreased by slouenlynesse; growne thicke with filth, and ordure.
Encrasser. To begryme, begrease, beray, bedawbe with slouenlie filth, or ordure.
Encre: m. Inke; also, blacking.
Encrené: m. ée: f. Nicked, notched, indented on; or, as Encroüé; whence;
Besicles encrenées sur le nez. Lodged, or ledged, on
both sides of the nose.
Encresmé. Creamie, creamed; full of creame, made of creame.
Encresmer. To fill, or furnish with creame.
Encreté: f. Bitternesse; also, inkinesse, or blacknesse.
Encreusé: m. ée: f. Hollowed; also, hoorded, or layed vp in holes, or hollow places.
Encreuser. To hollow; also, to hoord, or lay vp, in holes, or hollow places.
Encrier: m. An Inke-maker.
Encrier: m. ere: f. Inkie; of, or belonging to, Inke.
Encrou. as Escrou. Encroüé: m. ée: f. Lodged, as a cudgell in a tree; hanging on, or ledged in. ¶Norm. Encrouër. To lodge, as a cudgell in a tree; to hang on, or ledge in.
Encrousté: m. ée: f. Pargetted, rough-cast; becrusted, or whereon a scab is set.
Encroustement: m. A pargetting, rough-casting, a setting of a crust, a bringing of a scab on.
Encrouster. To parget, rough-cast; make crustie, bring a scab on.
Encruché: m. ée: f. Put into an earthen pot; also, as Encroüé. Encrucher. To put into an earthen pot.
Encrudi: m. ie: f. Made, or become, raw.
Encrudir. To make, or become, raw.
Encueur: m. The Stithie; (a disease of horses, and cattell.)
Encuict: m. cte: f. Raw, vndisgested, not yet concocted, not fully boyled, not throughly baked; also, hardened through heat.
Encuirassé: m. ée: f. Hardened, growne hard, thicke, rough, or harsh; also, bound hard. Vn linge encuirassé. A linnen cloth growne stiffe with nastinesse, and ordure.
Encuirasser. To harden, thicken, make rough, harsh, thicke, or stiffe (with ordure, &c.) as leather; also, to bind hard.
Enculé: m. ée: f. Set, or setled vpon the tayle; nether, or lower part; possed downe; also, planted, or stucke downe with the bottome turned vp, or doubled; set aslope, or with an imbowed bottome.
Encusé: m. ée: f. Accused, appeached; detected, bewrayed.
Encusement: m. A detection, disclosing, bewraying; appeaching, accusing.
Encuser. To appeach, accuse, informe against; bewray, detect, disclose.
Encuseur: m. A detecter, discloser, appeacher, accuser, betrayer, bewrayer.
Encuvé: m. ée: f. Put into a fatt, or tub.
Encuver. To put into a fatt, or tub.
Encyclopedie: f. The perfection of all knowledge, and liberall sciences; an art that comprehends all others; or, learning that comprehends all Arts.
Encyliglotte. The tongue-string.
Encyrer. as Inciser. Enda. In faith, in deed, in sooth, in truth, trust me, on my word.
Endaims. Looke Andaims. Endamoisellé. Effeminated, growne womanish; attired in gentlewomans apparrell.
Endare; & endare; and he went his way.
Endazé: m. ée: f. Earnest, or hastie in a matter.
Endebté: m. ée: f. Indebted, in debt, brought into debt.